The impact of the use of e-learning at the level of academic achievement and mental abilities

The current era is characterized by a tremendous amount of knowledge and information , and technical progress , and rapid changes , and fundamental shifts in scientific and technical applications , leading to rename the information age .
Perhaps it is now recognized the need to use what is known as the means of education and modern technologies work-related education , to achieve the goals of education to face the best, at the best possible level , so what 's the means of educational and technical tool appropriate relationship in various senses , and because of its impact on the absorption of knowledge and gain skill and experience.
The Computer Technology from one of the modern techniques , with a positive impact in the life of modern man , and entered in the current era in education as an educational tool has proved its importance in this area as well as other teaching aids . So the contemporary educational trends in developed countries adopted as a technique and style of modern methods and fast and feasible in the completion of educational programs and achieve their goals .
We have developed methods of teaching and learning in the recent exciting development , especially after the advent of modern technology -based education and e-learning , there are many studies that have addressed the importance of the use of computers and e-learning , and the impact of the use of educational software in education , as recommended Symposium Computer at universities in the Arab Gulf States the need to emphasize the importance of the development of each of the Gulf Arab states for the same national plan informative and clearly define their development goals and what should be done in order to face the challenges of the information age

Seminar also recommended the use of computers in public education , which was held in Bahrain, the need to develop national plans Informatics for Gulf Arab states , as well as the introduction of computer decisions at all stages of public education to create a learning environment that actively replace Education chore .
The study dealt with Bitar [3] Computer and its importance in practical life , as the study showed that the use of computers in the educational process heralds a better future for the coming generations , and that professionalism, hired him to improve the teaching and learning processes . He also stressed that Abdul Qader [19] pointed out that where the conviction of the importance of computers in the educational process in developed countries are increasing day after day

Problem of the study :
In follow-up studies that indicate shortcomings , and the large number of errors in the teaching of science in ways verbal like a traditional study Sarhan [16 , p 5] , who showed a lot of negatives in the traditional methods of teaching science , and study Khatib, 11 , p 146 , which confirmed that the traditional way of teaching Science ignores individual differences among learners , and assume that all educated both in their minds and abilities , providing lesson style may not suit the varying capabilities of the learners .
He also pointed Maraghi [28 , p 111 [ to follow one style and lack of diversification in training and an impaired ability to stimulate the learner may lead to students feeling bored , and lack of follow-up shown by the teacher .
And describes Bakhsh ] 2 , p 90 [ that the current organization of the decisions of the science does not encourage the use of scientific thinking , and showed that the current science books is a separate units , unconnected , do not focus on the problems of the students and the area of ​​interest.
Some argue that e-learning may help avoid a lot of negatives in teaching , and in this regard refers Muhammad [26 , p 108 [ to that e-learning is working to save the information in multiple styles of graphics, images , signals , writings , and the sounds of technologies interact with the learner directly and positively to lead the learner step by step towards perfection , by placing information -based multimedia , and enable the learner to respond to them in different ways , and to inform the learner to the extent of his success and progress in education through the provision of feedback is immediate in order to enhance learning correct, correct learning wrong .
And see Altodra [6] that e-learning is one of the necessities of the educational process , not luxuries or just a luxury, or entertain , but to cope with the increased numbers of learners sharply can not schools usual absorbed all of us, and also thinks that this education booster good for traditional education , it can this method integrates with the usual teaching shall be supportive of him , and in this case, the teacher may refer the students to some of the activities or duties based on the electronic media .
Both the al-Hazmi [9] , and Hudhaifi and Aldgam 10 , pp. 193-194 [ the need for attention to e-learning to become educational software is part of the curriculum , as one of the modern technologies that facilitate content delivery approach effectively , which requires the attention of those responsible plans future commensurate with the rapid developments in the field of successive e-learning .
In light of the foregoing, the problem of the study determined the importance of the use of e-learning in the classroom , and trying to figure out the impact on the collection , and the trend , and the mental abilities of pupils subject of the study .

Questions of the study :
The present study attempted to answer the following questions :
1 - What is the impact of the use of e-learning on the level of achievement in science among middle school students ? .
2 - What is the impact of the use of e-learning in the development of mental abilities among middle school students ? .
3 - What is the impact of the use of e-learning on the direction of middle school students about science? .

Objectives of the study :
The current study aimed to know :
1 - The impact of the use of e-learning on the level of achievement in science among middle school students .
2 - The impact of the use of e-learning in the development of mental abilities among middle school students .
3 - The impact of the use of e-learning on the direction of middle school students about science.

The study hypotheses :
I tried the current study , and after reviewing the previous studies , which were presented at a later time of this study , be sure to check or not to check the following hypotheses :
1 - The lack of a statistically significant difference at the level ( 0.05) between the average grades of the experimental group and the control group students by the use of e-learning in :
A) the level of achievement in science .
B) the development of mental abilities .
C) the trend towards science .
2 - there is a difference statistically significant at the level ( 0.05) between the average grades of the experimental group in the two applications for pre and post test grades in :
A) the level of achievement in science .
B) the development of mental abilities .
C) the trend towards science .
3 - there is a difference statistically significant at the level ( 0.05) between the average grades of the experimental group and the control group students after the use of e-learning in :
A) the level of achievement in science .
B) the development of mental abilities .
C) the trend towards science .

The limits of the study:
The current study identified the following limitations :
1 - third-graders from the middle school at the School of the Institute of typical Mediterranean capital city of Riyadh .
2 - science assessed on third-graders from the middle school .
3 - the first semester of the year 1426-1427 AH .

Terms of the study:
The study examined the following terms:
1 - e-learning : received several definitions of e-learning , and different views of scientists about that, and he knows a researcher in the current study that education based on multiple electronic devices means which includes course content and associated activities that are prepared and designed and produced in the form of program electronic in light of the standards codified , and educational purposes specific , focused primarily on the positive interaction with the learner .
2 - academic achievement : is the degree obtained by the student in the achievement test prepared by the researcher .
3 - Direction: is a state of mental readiness for the transitional behavior positively or negatively about a particular topic [22] .
And serves as a person's attitude toward the cognitive and emotional specific topic or a specific person .
4 - intermediate stage : the stage of learning is mediated primary and secondary levels , and duration of three years in public education .
5 - Brainpower : It is a cybernetic any activity aimed at overcoming any problem in the field of mental issues and the promise of this diverse field of information .

Society and the study sample :
The study population consisted of all the current third-graders in the Mediterranean city of Riyadh for the academic year 1426-1427 AH , and 60 students were selected at random , representing the research sample which is about two groups , one experimental (29 students ) , and the other officer (31 pupils) .
Variables of the study :
The study included the following variables :
1 - the independent variable : The use of e-learning in teaching science for students in second grade average , for the experimental group .
2 - dependent variables : The academic achievement , and mental capacity , and the trend towards science.
3 - variables that have been seized by experimentation :
A) chronological age of the pupils .
B) Based on the previous achievement levels of students achievement .
C) teaching time (45 minutes per share for both groups ) .
D) the achievement test and the date of application.

Procedures of the study :
Been applied to the achievement test and measurements of mental capacity , and the trend on the experimental and control groups tribal , and after controlling for variables that could affect the outcome of the study was the application of experience , where she studied software e-learning for science experimental group under the supervision of a researcher , while the control group was studied science the traditional way .
After the completion of the study has been the experience of the application of tools Uday study to see the impact of the independent variable on the dependent variables .