Basic concepts in e-learning

The importance of e-learning :
The e-learning of the most important methods of modern education , it helps solve the problem of explosion of knowledge , and the growing demand on education , and expand the opportunities for admission to education , and being able to train and educate workers and rehabilitation without leaving their jobs , and education Housewives , which contributes to raising the literacy rate , and the elimination of illiteracy. He holds extensive e-learning ability to reach both the sources and individuals , it has become available to members of many educational opportunities.
The aim of e-learning to support the educational process technology, interactive best practices that will help in the face of the many challenges faced by the traditional system , such as overcrowding classrooms , and the lack of possibilities , and places, and the inability to provide an atmosphere helps to creativity , and the inability to take into account individual differences among learners .
A set of requirements and needs that we have imposed the current era , which makes e-learning imperative irreplaceable , and these needs :

The need for continuing education , and the need for flexible education , and the need to communicate and openness to others . In addition to the current trend to make education is linked to the place and time, and lifelong learning , and learning is based on the current need , and self-learning , and learning is able to debate.
It provides e-learning environment, interactive learning , and allows the learner to study at the time and place he or she prefers , and lets work interviews and discussions directly and simultaneously via the Internet , providing the latest knowledge that correspond with the needs of the learners , in addition to software simulations , animations, interactive exercises and practical applications .
In addition to what has already been e-learning helps to :
· Urged learner on education and self-reliance , creating a generation of learners are responsible for their own learning .
· Provide more opportunities and choices for the education of the elderly.
· Raise the return on investment by reducing the cost of education .
· Break the psychological barriers between the teacher and the learner .
· Satisfy the needs and characteristics of the learner .
· Create a dynamic system dynamically directly affected by the events of the outside world .

The concept of e-learning :

Knew ( Horton and Horton ), the overall concept of e-learning that any use of Web technology and the Internet to make learning (Horton and Horton, 2003).

He knew ( Henderson ) e-learning as distance learning using computer technology (Henderson, 2002). To distinguish e-learning for distance education, and education using the internet , it can be defined as e-learning as the use of management software learning systems and content (LMS & LCMS) using Internet technology , according to specific criteria ( such as standards SCORM, IMS, IEEE) in order to learn .

And e-learning is education , which aims to create an environment rich interactive applications based on computer technologies and the World Wide Web for information , and enables the student to access learning resources at any time and from anywhere . ( Awaid and Hamid 0.1424 e)

Way to teach using the communication mechanisms of modern computers and networks and Osaúth multiple voice and image , and graphics and search mechanisms , and electronic libraries , as well as the gates of the global network of information , whether it was after or in the classroom , one refers to the use of technology of all kinds in the delivery of information to the learner in the shortest time and with less effort The biggest benefit . ( Moosa 0.1423 e)

Providing educational content with what is guaranteed by the explanations of exercises and interaction and follow-up in a partial or comprehensive chapter or remotely by advanced programs stored in the computer or via the World Wide Web for information . ( Arifi 0.1424 e)

The concept is to expand the teaching and learning process to transcend the limits of traditional classroom and starting a rich environment for multiple sources , have interactive learning techniques from a key role after the so redraft the role of both the teacher and the learner ( Rashed 0.1424 e)

Is an educational system that uses information technology and computer networks to strengthen and expand the educational process through a variety of means including: Computer organs , global network of electronic information and programs prepared by specialists either in the ministry or companies ( GHULOOM 0.1424 e)

Is learning using computers and software on different networks , whether closed or shared networks or the global information network ( Crow, 2003 )
E-learning is a method of learning styles in the delivery of information to the learner based on modern technologies of the computer and the World Wide Web for information and multi- Osaúthma , such as CDs, educational software , electronic mail and discussion boards and discussion. ( Al Mubarak, 1424 )

And the concept of e-learning , and that there were many and varied definitions , but the definition of good olive from my point of view is one of the best and simplest of these definitions " to provide educational content ( e ) cross -media -based computers and networks to the learner allowing it the possibility of active interaction with this content in space and time the speed with which suit them , and also to interact with the teacher and with peers whether the piece simultaneously or non- simultaneously , as well as the possibility of completing this learning at the time and the place and the speed with which fit its circumstances and abilities as well as the ability to manage this learning electronically also through those media "

Types of e-learning :

E-Learning can be divided as follows: - Classification of e-learning by synchronization:

- Contact a simultaneous Synchronous e-learning where the teacher meets with learners at the same time to be a synchronous connection , including text Chat, or audio or video .

- Asynchronous communication is non- synchronous support the exchange of information and the interaction of individuals across multiple communication media such as e-mail e-mail, bulletin boards bulletin boards, lists and discussion listserv, forums and forums. (Bodzin & Park, 2000) Communication is asynchronous free of time , it can be for the teacher to put the sources with the teaching plan and evaluate the educational site , then introduces the student to the site any time and follow the teacher's instructions to complete learning without there being a synchronous connection with the teacher . This is the typical e-learning using mostly.

- Classification of Horton and Horton , where varieties of e-learning as follows:

E-Learning directed learner Learner-led e-learning:
He e-learning aims to deliver a highly efficient education for the independent learner , and it is called e-learning learner -oriented , and includes content on Web pages , multimedia , and interactive applications over the Web , which is an extension of the enhanced learning in the computer software CD-ROM.

E-Learning Facilitator Facilitated e learning:
He employs a learning technique that uses the Internet and e-mail in which the learner and forums to learn, and where there is a facilitator of learning is his assistant (help), but where there is no teacher . ( As is the case if you wish to learn a specific program , you go to the forums and use e -mail lists are used to assist in the program , but you do not organize to teach full , but employ Internet technology to facilitate the learning of the program )

E-learning -oriented teacher Instructor-led e-learning:
He e-learning employs Internet technology to make teaching in the traditional sense so that combines teacher and student in a season by default offers the teacher of many of the techniques of direct contact , such as video conferencing , voice , and chat text and voice audio and text Chat, and participate in the screen , and the referendum , and provides the teacher offers educational , and explain lessons .

E-Learning Embedded Embedded e-learning:
Is e-learning , which provides at the same time support and help through Alintelant and assistance is also embedded in the program, for example, the education provided in the Windows operating system , you will find under help and support processor provides answers or links to questions specified by you , may be it processor to detect and repair errors within the system. It is learning to solve a specific problem , and it offers two versions , one with a program that is loaded on the user's computer , and the second version is support across the web , where the user connects to the Web to link specific offers a solution to the problem through the processor followed on the site.

The impact of e-learning on the student's behavior

( Mental, social and motor )

The logical intelligence - Sports : includes the ability to solve the problems of a logical or mathematical equations .
And I will discuss also that the ability to deal with scientific information ( normal intelligence / common ) which does not conflict with the rest of the definitions of logical intelligence .

The social or emotional intelligence is: the ability to recognize our sense of personal and feelings of others , so as to motivate ourselves , and to manage properly our passion in our relationship with others . ( Coleman Coleman)
Intelligence physical - kinetic : the possibility to use your body to solve certain problems .

E-learning and intelligent student logical
Features :
There is no doubt that e-learning has had a significant role in the development of intelligent student makes sense and the ability to academic achievement and understand the information .
Computer programs are diverse and that use potential and means may not always available in the classroom ( such as scientific films and audio and video materials ) help students one way or another to absorb the information ..
The varied programs to provide information in several ways .. So if it is in a way understandable to the student absorbed by the other .. By exploiting the sound effects and visual and sensory ( such as virtual reality ) to install the information when the student .. And also provide examples of varied and innovative methods to explain .. While it may not all teachers can do this .
The advantage of these programs repeat the information a number of times while countless tired teacher .. Do not forget that style indoctrination bad if used alone, without explanation and understanding .. But conservation method and the method of indoctrination important and essential in certain materials with certain types of information, such as dates and statistics , tables and poetry and the Koran .
And other features of e-learning on student achievement ( a corollary to the intelligence of the student makes sense ) .. Electronic tests .. It is known that the tests are part of a student who hated in the study .. And many students suffer from fear and stress tests , but that is up to some to degree Phobia of exams .
The e-learning came to change all of this .. Valachtbarat stages of the first educational body to be more interesting games of desire in the student fought .. But varied tests and provide bodies and different methods .. Thus the information to prove in the mind of the student .

The students advanced educational levels Vdoma tests problem with them is the tension and fear .. The test at home certainly will remove a fair amount of awe and helps the student to focus and answer more confidently . ( However, it does not address the problem of fear, quite correctly .. It is true that the student has overcome his fear dimension of the influential " exam room " but the fear of them still has )
On the other hand , the tension does not affect the student -awaited result of the test result provides electronic Valachtbarat result immediately after the completion of the test .
The other point is very important .. To provide for the certification exams are important and relevant , and the weight of the scientific reputation on the Internet and through e-learning encourages students to be fought , and thus increase their expertise in the areas of scientific and specialized varied , including increased educational attainment and logical intelligence of the student.

Other features of e-learning , which contributed to the development of intelligent student that is the concept of the relationship between the student and the computer .. Relationship is no longer playing and entertaining .. The computer is now an important tool for learning .. But also enjoyable because it loves him originally .
Although e-learning is not 100% self-learning , but it depends largely upon .. And self-learning is considered psychologists and education of the best methods of learning and of the most important factors that will help the student to form scientific rules established and the stability of the information has for long periods of his age and because it will enable learners to master the basic skills necessary to continue to teach himself.
Friction as well as the student of other cultures to the rest of the students increases the proceeds linguistic and cultural about other people .. Though this point too unbearable sense negative and positive .
In fact, the pros and advantages of e-learning on the intelligence of the student logical much more than its disadvantages .
But as an example .. It is known that the e-learning and the use of computers in education facilitates the search process .. Instead of being a student surfs the whole book or even several books even looking for information , the search feature on any page (ctrl + f) or even search engines on the Internet has made access to accurate results often are the norm .
Although this feature is to invest the time and a student but it has a negative side hidden .. The search browse through the entire book or several books enriches the mind of the student read the information in the course of his research and expands his mind , unlike access to what he looks for in speed and without effort or password information to another until they reach the desired result .
Although the student acquire some skills in online research , but it loses some very important research skills such as fast browsing and knowledge of reference books or paper sources famous to search .

The lack of dialogue while receiving some information (via reading or listening to an educational film or other roads where it is not possible occurrence of dialogue between teacher and student ) affect negatively on the intelligent student dialogue gives the student a greater opportunity to understand and debate the points that have not absorbed well and thus The collected scientific affected by the existence of a dialogue on the subject , The difference between the student to read or listen to information between them and to talk to them and discuss not only with the teacher but also with the rest of the students where large .
The debate makes the student on the lookout for ideas on the rest of his classmates and develops has the capacity to interact and thinking and analysis , and so the thinking skills and dealing with information.
Perhaps Forums scientific dialogue and of the schools have avoided this problem, but what remains the difference between dialogue and realistic dialogue -mail is a big difference , dialogue -mail is usually the focus is less and the number of interlocutors as well.

We can say that the negative aspects of e-learning on the intelligence of the student logical also cause mental distractions to the student during the study .. I have spoken previously that the relationship of the student computer entertainment before the relationship was to be the study of the relationship and take advantage .. But the presence of ways of entertainment in the same study tool ( and realistic ) disperses the student and makes has such internal conflict between the duty of the study and between his love for entertainment , although there was no supervision of parents or self motivated for the collection of scientific and diligence in study to become this point is a real problem in the collection of student attainment.

E-learning and intelligent student of social ( emotional )
Let's start with drawbacks :
They that stand out of the surface is always when talking about the impact of e-learning on the behavior of the student social , that emotional intelligence is not organically , but also social , too, and the student starts in the acquisition in stages the first age and where the social growth of the child at the beginning where acquire basic social skills that will build the social character later , and the most serious consequences of the failure of social growth at this stage is the blankness in difficulty understanding the feelings and emotions of others.
This is because the friction generated by direct human and emotional attitudes of digging in memory and affect the behavior of the individual and the method of its decision-making .. For example : sarcasm children of a certain behavior to one of them makes it learns how to avoid this behavior to escape from cynicism .
As I noted previously that the loss of dialogue affects the intelligent student logical it affects his intelligence Social Also, it is through dialogue and dealing direct student learns literature discussion , listening and how to ask questions and respect for the other party and the selection of words and terms , and that is not available with e-learning .
There is also a big difference in the style of reward and punishment real realistic .. The method of reward and punishment -mail .. Difference in student interaction with him and influenced him .. Valthoab and punishment be more realistic impact on the psyche of the student and leads to stimulate positive behavior and negative behavior decline in more than a method of reward and punishment -mail .
Scientific studies have emerged that electronic devices such as TV , computer and video games lead to a tendency to isolation and decline to communicate with others .. And called for the need to avoid these negative effects .

Features :
The meet with students from other cultures is also working to bring the ideas and minds of the students , it almost certainly including socially .. Where the student learns the social customs of those countries .. The student can be compared between the traditions of his country and the traditions of other countries .. And can make friends beyond the narrow circle of the options available to him in the social environment ( school - home - the club ) Education -mail helps to overcome geographical boundaries and the formation of friendships on the basis of mental and depending on the interests of the common and not on the basis of the old one or the one place that imposes on human authentication of finding them just in front of him .
It is also considered the solution ( Getaway ) ideal for students shy or people with special needs , it means they lack direct confrontation .. He notes that this category is always able to innovate more and go further in educational attainment through e-learning .

E-learning and intelligent student locomotor

Here I will address both advantages and disadvantages :
It is normal to increase the rate of computer use is a daily exercise for the student gradually and motor sports activities that work on building the physical configured properly .. Thus, the attenuation of muscle weakness .. But on the other side , the benefits of e-learning , students with physical disabilities , while showing disadvantages when students with a sound where Charisma reduces the performance of the sport and the various motor activities .
E- Education is pleased to people with special needs learning process by providing the necessary equipment and devices that help them learn has produced many of the companies own programs to people with special needs .. It also protects them from ridicule children healthy body and mind , without depriving them of mental communication with others .
But at the same time reinforcing social isolation .