Self-learning and distance education

I do not think we're at a historic track at the beginning of the real distance learning , since the beginning of history , people Atrahlon from one place to another , whether in trade or in the adventure or the like ; they take with them from the customs and traditions and a letter to the party that they were getting in and whether it's on purpose or inadvertently was inherent to human knowledge wherever and journeyed . And also moved religions , ideas and knowledge in the old one.
When I started writing in the spread between the peoples emerged a new style for the codification of knowledge and moved stones engraved in the beginning between the countries inhabited at the time , followed by the patches and papyrus , then known human -mail and began to exchange knowledge messages , which was carrying the news and what is happening from the events of the times until the last century who knew schools that offer distance education - correspondence - including but not limited to high schools and institutes established in Paris, in London, in Liege , appeared after the higher distance education in universities have been known for more than a century in all parts of the world .
And the development of technologies and means of communication defined by the latter half of the century, above , came into existence the information revolution we are experiencing now is the proliferation of sites on the Internet for information : The network is the most effective way to communicate devised rights to this day While this modern way of transmission of knowledge carries many hopes for the youth of tomorrow , we must define the terms of its success and its borders . It is not enough to put the content of the curriculum on the network to ensure the success of distance education, etc.; influenced by the educational process because the remote distance between the teacher and the learner makes them dependent on the foundations of a very important can be summarized in :
1 . The diversity of teaching methods , collaborative work , interactive sessions and work synchronous and asynchronous ...
2 . Engineering pedagogical work , which aims to reorganize content - lessons - and sharing the adoption of the modern center ; computer screen ( quality animated shapes Alibdagojah heads and other supporting content )
3 . Seminars sequence ( which must take into account the circumstances of each student )
4 . Rotation of lessons and exercises - Examinations - interactive
5 . Quality and efficiency of supervision
6 . Consider the efficiency of the operating system as an end in itself loses its value after learning formative . Without human intervention and tight regulation can not adopt the method of distance learning as well .

If it should rely on the target , and the category in question - distance education - and the interactive mode of cooperation so that we can organize an educational program that responds to the requirements desired .

Ways of learning

Determine the method of learning the principles and rules associated individuals - learners - Bmassadralamaref and skills. We must take these principles into account the learner in the first place ( the degree of independence and knowledge of the technologies used in the process of learning , and motivation ) . And allows the diversity of teaching methods - teaching remotely - to provide effective solutions to the solutions they rely circumstances of each person , and complementary to respond to the growing needs of the learner .

In the following paragraphs , we will try to briefly clarify the vision by bringing the idea to the reader all the modern methods known to the field of distance learning

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1 - Self-learning

The way to allocate the learner from the time that is available has a certain share the focus on the study of a subject that interested relying its own means and guidance of the university or institute, which will be registered with it. If it is not registered in any institution named Asamia learner , and this group of learners pursuing special methods do not fall within the scope of our conversation about distance learning.
In this context, the learner organize his time and learn what is available to him by the media pedagogical designed by the teacher or service provider configuration. The lessons consist of multi-media ( texts , images , audio and video ) to intensify the interaction between the student and the material which increases the Dafieth and expand the energy absorbed.
This method is fit and methods of research and personal reflection to crystallize individual work that will enable the student to attend or present learning teamwork later.
Which is facing problems of self-learning , because if it encountered technical difficulty in dealing with the user's machine , and did not know how to have dealt with it under pressure may delay the progress of the study and the methodology to be associated with a time limit .

2 - present learning

Way to be in direct contact with the learner over the network with Professor Lecture somewhere in the world and believes in a link with Mr. learner through the institute or university. The learner here only run communication system of the university to be on-line directly with the teacher .
This method is used by the so-called " peace of mind " and was an echo in the beginning of this decade. It is maligned on this method it is still expensive .

3 - learning the supervisory

It is a condition of the success of distance education , where he focuses on the presence of a teacher or a router that supports on-line interaction between students , answers to their questions , which can not find an answer to temporarily turn into a block lead to reduced motivation of the learner . It has become possible to attend the supervisor and the availability of means of communication across the network which:

1 . Contact by simultaneous conversation " Chat "
2 . Asynchronous communication is embodied in the forum

Supervision is exercised in two ways: the supervision of an individual and be linking a special relationship with the learner to avoid a sense of exclusivity and unity , and to increase the degree of incorporating it in the subject and support in solving problems related to the subject or the machine itself. The group supervision is practiced in chat rooms - also called lecture rooms - or in the forum and promote a dynamic exchange that resembles the collective actions that take place inside the classroom.

From here shows that teaching methods are almost remote copies of the image of the situation which connects communication professor students , and the supervisor that keen on :

1 . Quality content rolling
2 . Interventions and to encourage students
3 . And cares diligently all students to use the means used ( operating system , how to deal with the student's program , the floor , the floor , sent documents and images , knowing the means available in the Forum ) .
4 . Framing the discussion and answer questions of each student .

The system is designed to connect the education that is expected , including the possibility of enriching fits exceptional cases there may be a need or improve the performance of Rise supervisor Forum adds it deems appropriate to the circumstances of the students .

4 - collaborative work collective

This method not be effective only in the forum, which will be designed by the university to serve the students . Students may choose to participate in the implementation of projects or collaborate on the study of a particular topic so that all of them work is contributing with his knowledge and skill .

We believe that Amalah distance education not send the package wrote to the student or to publish the content of a lesson on its site , but is a process that requires the interaction with the student and give him the opportunity to act as a single prove its efficiency and evaluates his efforts in an objective , where the certificate is to be obtained from the university or the institute , who scored by will not pay unless the student is a genuine desire to achieve success due, arrived to do the work of producing a serious Thi scientific value has been estimated by the Commission is satisfied that the discussion of his student Neil Degree