Design of e-learning

The design courses across the network is one of the critical components of a successful e-learning ... Let us ask ourselves : What is the difference in the set design of e-learning ?
One answer may be not so much .. But many of the elements of good design has been absent from the electronic courses ; research and review of e-learning in higher education we can define four features of good practice which are:
1 . Dialogue : Using e-mail and panel discussions and chat synchronous and asynchronous discussions
         Community and the consequent brainstorming digital debates as well as opportunities to interact with member
         Faculty to integrate all of the content of the course .
2 . Interaction : includes responses in specific tasks and interaction with the active sharing of educational material and activities
           Small groups .
3 . Reinforcement and support: includes communication and face- to-face and the supervision of a faculty member over the network and promote peer
                   And expert advice and feedback on performance and support services .. The most important feature of support
                   Successful decisions across the network.
4 . Command and control : this refers to the extent to which controls the activities of learners in the basic learning and are encouraged to
                      Good governance practices .
      That one of the advantages of the major design decision letter is easy and can be used over a wide range of learning resources thus establishing the network an unlimited number of educational materials that can enrich the content and promote , we find available by electronic journals , many of them free and full texts ; We also find lists of references and copies of books fully used in many of the courses and educational programs .
The agree together that good design is a critical decision in the virtual environment than it is in the position of learning and face- to-face .. Where difficult to hide bad design of the content or design medium , and a lot of the design principles of e-learning courses close to the printed for distance learning and require institutional processes such as :
 Calendar need to agree with the goal of educational or behavioral framed in a manner and with procedural elements of learning across the network elements and
     Learning and face- to-face .
 must be quality assurance procedures for the content provided over the network by a kind of internal consistency and work
     To maintain and link to external sites, as is the case in the adoption of King Khalid University QM standards to design courses
     Electronic .
 must measure how much work for students and faculty members from the beginning and guidance on a regular basis during the implementation of the decision;
     It is easy to increase the burden on the students, but this leads to superficial learning .. It is also easy to increase the burden on the members of the
     Faculty that ask them a great deal of interaction across the network.
 must pay attention to the procedures for the guidance of faculty members in order to get the students to promote the appropriate and correct
    Their assignments fairly .
 must be assessed scheduled across the network and the performance of students in the light of the events that are scheduled to be placed Msamua ( Can
    Student to achieve the goals set forth in the educational material ?)
 sailing across the network should be allowed for students Btelmus their way through the educational material and events that can provide the map
    Decision -mail.
 must include a design scheduled to provide feedback to the student and is it better through interaction with a member
   Faculty and students with the content and with the other two .
 should not be comments on the assignments by the faculty member and the negative must show how students can
     Improves the performance of the future ( at least for them , but see them as well).
 must include the design of the operational plan to be prepared by the faculty member and the activities and electronic forms
    Variety of evaluation -mail , calendar and files accomplishment .
 must be a faculty member versed and has the skills to deal with the simultaneous participation tools to effectively included
    When designing a decision; Examples of simultaneous participation tools : Chat - network cameras - telephone conferences -
    Audio conferencing - videoconferencing - web conferencing and virtual classrooms .
 must be a faculty member versed and has the skills to deal with asynchronous participation tools to be included
     Effectively when the design decision; Examples of asynchronous participation tools : blogging - Panel Discussions - E
     Mail - to vote on the opinions and surveys - encyclopedias retina.
 design must include the provision of scheduled Web 2.0 tools and how much is a wonderful event that a faculty member of the Skills
    Digital Production for these instruments or relevant decisions Electronic .
           In light of the foregoing , and after reviewing the literature of the field of e-learning for many of the pioneers such as :} (Martyn Sloman, 2003) entitled "" Training in the Age of the Learner; (Jane Bozarth, 2005) entitled "E-Learning Solutions on A shoestring" ; (Michael Allen `s, 2007) entitled " Designing Successful E-Learning "; ((Kenneth Fee, 2009 , entitled Delivering E-Learning" "; (Susan Ko & Steve Rossen, 2011) entitled " Teaching Online: Apractical Guide "{ can provide a practical guide / procedural how to design e-learning through the implementation of the following legal points :
 within many of the signs of correspondence in which the goals are clear with appropriate icons and other tools
    Visual .
 foot sailing includes a simple and clear way to move to the next page.
 created a stylish way to organize the information ( in the User / Points / tables ) .
 Use Links Hyperlinks to connect the dots with Ela khat in comparisons and studies .
 systems readings in separate sections such as : visual and auditory .
 system was used harmonic coloring and icons harmonic system .
 made ​​a significant diversification for teachers.
 presented information photographer whenever possible ( a picture is worth 1,000 words ) .
 kept simple as possible.
The bottom line : that access to the entrance of a coherent and consistent for the design of e-learning is an essential part of the strategy of this learning must take into account the fact that the design is one of the most important components of e-learning , which developers can and specialists to influence , directly to ensure the quality of e-learning ; well as being a relation communion effective which makes e-learning more effective .. Finally, the need to focus on the design on the learner and the purpose of learning; These two elements more than anything else, must be specified design strategy that makes many of the details are correct , and characterized by harmony and consistency ; so we have to recognize the nature of the design of e-learning dynamic permanent development may not possess all the answers to all the questions . Let us borrow a phrase from Thomas Edison " There are no rules around us , but we are trying to accomplish something ."