Distance Education

The success of distance education in the last years of the twentieth century and the beginning years of the twenty- century atheist , can be explained by the combined three phenomena are:
- Increased demand for this type of education.
- Economic need to cut the cost of education.
- The invasion of technology rapid communication of multimedia for different sectors of activity , including education , so that the conversion to the use of media and teaching aids was the premise of the developments that we are witnessing today.

 Is distance education is education by correspondence , or is education by taking advantage of modern communication media and multimedia , educational Kalhacob telephone , radio , television and finally the Internet?

This difference is known in distance education, highlights the difference in the definition , sees some educators that it is just a means of education , uses a display technology through multimedia to inform education to the learners present places far away ... This definition , reduces the distance education does not reflect the truth , and do not mention anything about the complexity of the information that it supports. And opine that education after more than a means of education , it is difficult to branching system refunded to the traditional systems of education , in terms of the conduct or educational organization . Fajsaús consist principally of the new relationships that exist between learning and teaching. After all , learning and distance education require Taiera essential practices and educational means to overcome distance and isolation of the learner , and the consequent profound shift in the roles and tasks of the teachers , and educational approach that should be conceived on the basis of self-learning . These changes require re- organization and function of the education system , takes the appearance of the center for the production of educational tools and distribution , depends on the learner these tools available to him to continue to learn , kept up with the assistance of the requirements of self-learning - when needed - to other resources offered by this system. Therefore, the model of distance education recommends defining the standards keep pace with the learning and teaching , and more than data frame educational traditional arrangement of education in which the education of oral ( confrontation ) and centered educational process in which the initiative of the teacher and the relationship that would be built between him and Mtalmah ... and on this basis the teaching methods that use the media and tend to individuals , can not be considered a method of distance education, unless they are integrated within the range of learning activities , and within the follow-up interactive learning , as the setting of Education by the guide , and facilitate meetings between learners and others.

Characteristics of distance education :
After learning a set of characteristics , which can be summarized as follows:
1 - the teacher and the learner are far from each other spatially , and prevents - this dimension - any connection between them , and deprives the learner of contact environment traditional education , such as libraries and related services , and exchange of experiences with the rest of the educated , and participate in cultural activities , and consultation with the education ... And so on.
To compensate for this deficiency , should distance education systems that help the learner , and that spurred to create a learning environment for himself , exploited the resources provided by his own environment .
2 - played institution - in distance education - an important role at the heart of the educational process it - not the teacher - which provides education , and follow up the work of the learner and help him achieve learned self , providing him an infrastructure -rich services , and this is what weakens the traditional relationship between the teacher and the learner , but did not stay to its existence in any distance education has an important role , but in some disciplines applied .
3 - use the media within the integrated group :
The resources studied , and training activities , and assumptions ( homework ) and examinations and recommendations ... Communicated to learners through multimedia , and is writing the texts and analysis expertise , distribution and formulation of the message of educational specialists , experts and journalists to find the function of the conditions of interactive teaching and learning and provide learning environments complete and independent .
4 - represents communication - bi-directional - part of the elements of distance education , this education requires the active participation of learners , and to develop equipment to connect to the bi-directional , to enable learners and mentors from the exchange of information , and enable learners to use these devices to communicate with each other , and can be carried Contact by phone or mail , they are the most widely used devices for their flexibility and low cost finance. It has been shown effective means to stimulate learning and responding to the needs of each learner .
5 - meetings :
Should enable learners to establish social relationships with each other , and exchange views Hfa content of education and discuss the problems they face in learning , and play the role of facilitator to guide these meetings and help to learn,
6 - inspired way of distance learning methods of industrial production ...
Education after all lead to profound changes in the working methods of the staff educators and administrators , with respect to the development of attention and organization of production and distribution for the education of the masses ... The allocation of tasks and rational organization of labor, the environment and the serial , production control and analytical study of the market with respect to all of the practices of educational products , excellence in the basis of the method of distance education.

Rationale for distance education :

Projects aim of distance education - in some cases - to achieve the objectives similar to the objectives of the traditional networks , it seeks to enable the masses of traditional access to educational programs and academic , and targeted in other cases teach new audiences , providing them education programs way does not necessarily fall in educational programs lead to obtain a certificate .

In general , the purpose of distance education discloses social trends or conditions of certain cultural ... In addition there are a number of justifications seem to be universal is affiliated to the systems of distance education, such as overcoming the dimension , and the reduction of the cost of education , which seeks to remotely deleted .. These are some of the goals :

1 - to overcome the distance :
Those who do not have access to the usual networks of education , they can , thanks to distance education to get a good education , effective use of communication devices with costs less than that required for direct instruction .
2 - reduction of the cost :
The systems are large for distance education , which could be pursued in the last decades of the twentieth century , working on the basis that the cost of distance education is less than the cost of education at the university , they are systems operate with a limited number of specialized staff , and do not have to spend money in the structures to accommodate educated , or in educational facilities , or in some complementary services for university education . It achieves financial balance between the convenience of permanent cost of operations and the number of learners enrolled . As is the case in most institutions , they overcome the financial difficulties in controlling expenses and the increase in income , and the economic success achieved by systems of distance education draws attention even among traditional education .
3 - bridging the social and educational needs :
Able to distance education to fill the needs of social and educational groups ... Communities , which seeks to promote education on a large scale , or making efforts to raise the level of education has a ... You'll often find in distance education satisfactory solution to serve its target audience .
The principle of access to learning , which is guaranteed to get rid of the restrictions related to the spatial dimension accompanied by flexibility in the application of requirements for admission in distance education programs , and in recognition of the information acquired .. Open universities , for example, to be accepted by all educated Rashid wish to do so , and demonstrates the ability to follow collected . In open institutions that have liberalized their education entry requirements , great learner can - if before - to get an education equal to and even exceeds the education that can be received within a traditional educational institution .
I've received way distance education favor with adults because of their practical formula , but they respond to a change in mentalities , Vakabar tend to get rid of the illusion of cultural heritage that was paid to the belief that there is no room to learn, away from the school and the teacher and the halls of education ... The media and public industry experiences and personal research has become a recognized means for the learner , and became seen as learning to cope with self- knowledge acquisition carried out by the learner in an independent capacity .
Education is remotely a factor of social efficiency that are looking to advanced industrial societies , and became the people believe they are able to respond to social groups want to update their own information and openness to new horizons of knowledge .
4 - impart a sense of responsibility to learn :
After leaving education for a bountiful share of responsibility in the organization of the educational environment , Vmassh distance education is the educational materials and provides educational services for ... While bears learner great responsibility to learn self , taking into account the need to take into account the difficulties faced by adult learners who have learned a traditional education , did not acquire the skills needed to learn independently , and to be on the system of distance education to provide them with rehabilitation and appropriate follow-up to be able to develop the skills they qualifies them to do to go along with self-learning .

Regulatory features :

How do we get to teach effectively to a growing number of educated and lower costs ?

Has to be the way they are going to develop the traditional educational system , House Education and converted to house the production of educational materials , will be valid for broadcast media devices to be reported to many persons far away geographically scattered , and non- homogenous in terms of business and education degrees .

The fragmentation of courses to a series of activities to portray the educational material , production and distribution lead to the involvement of a group of specialists .. Involved in the preparation of the content of the lessons , and technology education , and in the editing and production of documents .. In addition to these specialists in rehabilitation , advisors and guides and entertainers in charge of follow-up lessons during deployment.

Should rely on the management of multi-disciplinary staff has to coordinate the operations of scriptwriting , production , programming and sent to the learners accompanied by audio-visual documentation , and rehabilitation of learners to run and take advantage of its contents .. These processes are numerous and complex organization is subject to Khtit thorough and careful management so that it can attain the highest degree of efficiency.

The bottom line : The learner who does not have great teachers in his place of residence finds itself in isolation from the rest of the educated and away from education institutes , not only his choice of self-learning and distance education. It is in this choice is betting on its ability to achieve the requirements of this education based on his personal independent . This type of learning requires him to have a complete knowledge on its own , Visttia diagnose needs and choose the appropriate means to fill them , and he has to learn how to recognize competencies and habits in education , and abilities in organizing the Times Education and epochs in the context of their daily lives , what has its independence in Education it may be more than is available to the likes of learners in traditional education . It has set the liberation of time, place and length of the school year and the time required to complete the study programs .. These things are not restricted anymore in distance education , then education can learn to regulate the conduct of all the freedom and self- responsibility , and provide him - when needed - educational resources and learning .
Mediators :

The follow-up processes and the preparation of the teaching-learning lessons , mainly aimed at the content of education suited to the needs of each learner . If the lessons of distance education offered in the form of material finished , fixed content , do not accept the change , these lessons have been developed to serve a broad audience , the role of intermediaries is mainly in making education in line with the expectations of the learner , and adapts according to his needs , and help him to solve problems.

The communication held by guides with learners offer them assistance and resources necessary to solve their problems .. As well as the activities are in the field of rehabilitation counselors incentive to entice learners.

Communications, with mentors strengthen the resolve of the learners , groups and meetings to enable them - also - to share their experiences in the field of education , and the completion of joint exercises in a team work .. Learner finds the entire complement of what is needed to bring him to learn.

In short, the distance education product to regulate the activities and educational resources used by the learner independently according to his own desire , without imposing upon submission to the limitations of spatial and temporal , or to the power relations existing in traditional education , and more specifically can be defined as the distance learning that formula learning with great potential enables the learner's knowledge of the relationship and re- use of educational resources and rehabilitation at his disposal in the scope and pattern of self-learning