Service Distance Education

Proliferated in recent times many universities and institutes and institutions that will allow the opportunity for education and study for scholars and students in various disciplines through the pages prepared specifically for this purpose on the Internet .

First, distance education

Intended distance education Distance Learning to use communication technology and computer technology in the education process . Called this process also terms such as :
Internet-Based Learning
Distributed Learning
Computer-Mediated Communication

And distance education is the transfer of knowledge from the Centers collected in the capitals of the states to cities far where there are no means and modes of knowledge huge and specialized . , And the connection between the student recipient and lecturer interactive interactive and allows the distance education system the possibility of receiving lectures from a remote source for a place lecture at the same speed at the same time implementing real time application and this system can broadcast live and recorded lectures with high efficiency , where the listener or the student can attend a lecture from inside or outside the borders of Kuwait .

Divided distance education in terms of transportation into two types :

1 . Synchronous transmission synchronous delivery where communication and interaction in real-time real time between the lecturer and the student .
2 . Transportation asynchronous asynchronous delivery as lecturer transfers and connect or provide subject by video , computer or any other means later time or another and have obtained the materials later

The benefits of distance education :

      Convenience where appropriate provide appropriate between the lecturer and the student .

      Flexibility allows flexibility for schools the option of participating by desire.

      The impact and effectiveness of proven effectiveness research on the education system after he was equivalent to or exceeds the impact and effectiveness of the traditional education system so when you use these techniques efficiently.

      Estimated affordability many forms of distance education does not cost a lot of money .

      The sense of multi- multi sensory There are many options in the subject delivery methods , including the subject of televised and the interaction of computer software and the subject recorded in cassette tapes .

The advantages of distance education :

1 . Geographical exploitation :

Does not require the student and the professor to be present in one place for the exchange of information. The student may have to read or listen to or even watching a lecture Professor electronically on-line via the Internet , even if the student is at home or in a country other than the country of residence of his teacher . As well as the professor can be published electronically in his lecture script or a visual or audio over the Internet from home or from a country other than the country in which it resides requested .
    Text textual ( using the formula Adobe Acrobat) or ;
     Sonic Audio ( using the formula Streaming Real Audio) or ;
     Visible Visual ( using the formula Streaming Real Video or Streaming Net Show or Compressed MPEG)
2 . Exploitation temporary :

Not necessary to \ be both a student and a professor at the present time and one for the exchange of information. The professor can lecture him to publish electronically either text format printable format or audible or visible student and then to read the lecture and prints or to listen to or watch at any time suits him without having to throw a professor lecture at a specific time . And also that the student the freedom to choose the right time for him to receive the lecture , the option also has a part in the selection of who wants to read it or listen to it or watch it . As well as he can to re- listen to a particular part of the lecture or to see a certain part of them and things are difficult to achieve in a traditional lecture . For example, a student can choose the parts that wants to listen to or watch the lecture if the lecture is published as a
Real Audio or Real Video. He can also re- listen to or watch any part of the lecture published those formulas.

3 . Intermediate computer :

To use the computer as an intermediary for the transfer of information also means to exploit the speed of the computer and its potential in the educational process and is helping in the development of this process .

4 . Provide educational opportunities for non- Almsttiein :

Distance education will enable a large segment of the community to achieve their wishes , especially those who do not have access to higher education for different conditions ( such as age or link to a specific job ) . Education is remotely open to all and the need to attend to the university systems at specific times things which may not be suitable for some conditions .

5 . Overcome the problem of the capacity of universities and educational bodies :

Education is the remote does not require students to attend classes , and does not require the presence lecturer in each chapter in order to give a limited number of students given a lecture . This means that universities and educational institutions will be able to overcome the problem of limited absorptive capacities that they had to accept a number of students commensurate with what is available from the classrooms and teachers .

Disadvantages of distance education :

1 . The need for training :
Teachers need to be trained on the use of the Internet in general, in addition to training on the use of special software to be used in the work of web pages and publish lectures and so on. The student also needs to be trained on the use of the Internet in addition to training on the use of programs that help the exchange of information with his teacher . Before all of this requires both the student and the professor to possess to learn the basics of computer Computer Literacy.

2 . The need for technological structure :
In order to create a system of distance education must provide the structure of technological infrastructure Technological Infrastructure at university or who want subtracting the distance education programs . This structure is not available at all universities or educational institutions .

3 . The need for a connection between the students and the Internet :
So that students have access to electronic data and to be able to exchange information with their teachers must provide a connection between the students and the Internet . This connection may be contacted through the Internet service provider or ISP via the internal network of the university teaching staff or Intranet. However, not all students are able to connect to the Internet through Internet service provider . As well as universities and educational bodies do not have all Intranet networks open to students .

4 . Problem Bandwidth Bandwidth:
Of the fundamental problems facing the process Altalpm remote problem bandwidth Bandwidth any speed through which the exchange of information between the Internet service provider and the Internet user that connects to the network via this provider . Vmstkhaddmo Internet who connect to the network from a regular household phone devices via Internet service providers share information with Internet speeds do not normally exceed 33.6 Kbps Kbps for the transfer of video lectures appropriately so that they can watch lectures on the full-size screen and without a cut in sound and picture a user needs the Internet to offer high-speed transfer of information between him and the network Alanturnnt . This can be achieved by connecting the user's computer via the Internet systems , especially given bandwidth Bandwidth larger systems such as ISDN, DSL and T1 Lines
And others. These systems are considered expensive for ordinary users .

5 . Security :
Security is one of the fundamental problems facing the process of distance learning. During the performance of the examination of electronic on-line quizzes professor does not guarantee that the student was not trying to cheat . As well as the professor does not guarantee that it performs the exam is the student's own and not someone else. There are some software tools and techniques that may help overcome some of the negative aspects related to security , but it is not enough to overcome all those negatives . This means the use of what is known as Bal Login Names and Passwords for the entry to the exam by programming the site to accept only students who are allowed to enter. Of those roads also get the IP address used by the student's performance during the exam by doing special programs use some possibilities Computer Server from the server to identify the address. However, these methods are not sufficient to overcome all the negatives on the subject of security.

6 . Costs:
In addition to the previous negatives , there are the costs borne by the party that you want to apply the system of distance education . Of these costs with regard to the technological infrastructure required for the distance education system . The purchase and maintenance of computer server Server with equipment and programs , or rent space on a computer server of a third party all of which represent a financial burden . The training of teachers in the use of software and tools used in distance education system represents an additional financial burden .

Requirements of distance education :

There are some technical requirements that must be met in order to design a system distance learning , including:

1 . The presence of a computer server Server with sufficient capacity and speed in order to store the information relating to courses . This can be a computer server located at the university or the party that put distance education programs . However, the availability of this system when the body requires high costs of installation , maintenance, and Internet connectivity . Can provide those costs by renting space on a computer server available at one of the companies that lease space on its computer server to meet certain amounts .
2 . You must allow programmers to enter a specific area in the central computer in order to enable them to work web pages interactive Interactive using the programs (Common Gateway Interface) CGI, which are programs written in languages ​​software such as Pearl, Visual Basic, C + +, C, and allow these programs to the Internet user sends information and receive responses from certain central computer .
3 . Must be available to work programs and maintenance of web pages such as editing software page Web Page Editors and FTP file transfer programs and the Telnet. And also must have experience of teachers using these programs . May be required in some cases, provide knowledge of the language by using the language recognized for the work of the Internet pages.
4 . Must provide a connection between the students and the Internet so that students have access to a computer server.
5 . You must have a large amplitude wave high bandwidth enable students to access the Internet at high speed and in the case of whether the distance education system includes video lectures . This speed should exceed the speed of 33.6 kb and is not less than the normal speed of the system ISDN.
6 . It may require additional hardware , such as the availability of a Video Server whether distance education system includes visual materials .

Second : Video conference

Is the transfer of live images and audio from a site to several sites separated by distances for the transfer of information ) lectures , seminars , conferences , elections ... etc. ( needed by all parties and the transmission and reception interactive and direct and means of transmission main cameras and monitors and the technique used in general are . hdsl

Third: The system of telemedicine tele medicine

System of telemedicine applications is one of the video conference
And allows the user to hold or confers some surgical operations or by video
The robot Robot from places as far apart to facilitate medical consultations for cases
 Emergency and the technique used is the same technique . hdsl

The beneficiaries of the service:

      Conference rooms
      Organizations and the diplomatic corps
      Enterprises and institutions