Comparison of e-learning and traditional education

You can view the differences between each of the e-learning and traditional education by conducting the following comparison between the two :

Face comparison

Method of user education

Employing technological innovations , which depends on the electronic multi-media presentations , and discussions and style web pages.

Traditional education
Based on the book do not use any of the means or technological methods , except in some cases.


Based on interactive , as it allows the use of multimedia to the learner sailing in electronic presentations , and deal with it as he wants , and allow him to discussions across the web Baltvaalih

Traditional education
Does not depend on interaction , as it is only between the teacher and the learner , but it is not always between the learner and the book, as a traditional way not to attract attention .

The possibility of update


Can be updated with ease, and inexpensive when publishing on the Web conventional roads , where it can be done after publication.

Traditional education

Update process here is not available to you when you can not print the book compiled and edited it again after publication.


Available at any time , so enjoy the flexibility available in any place , where they can access the Internet from anywhere , so his chances of education available over the world.

Traditional education
His time specified in the table, and places are designed , and the educational opportunities are limited to the territory, located in the area of education.

Responsibility for learning

Depends on self-education , where the learner learns according to their abilities and interests , and by the speed and time that suits him , and blamed the place .

Traditional education
Depends on the teacher , so it is not available at any time , and can not be dealt with only in the classroom only .

Design Education

The educational process is designed to build on the learning experiences can be gained through education .

Traditional education
Is designing the educational process through the development of a pre-defined structure , the system of one size fits all (One Size Fits All)

Education System

Is an open system in a flexible and distributor, which allows learners to proceed according to its speed and in its place , to achieve any answer for how long? How ? Where? . It also means that the distribution of both the teacher and the learner and the content in different places .

Traditional education
Happens in a closed system , where you must specify the time and place of any answer to Where? And when?

The requirements of the transition from traditional education to e-learning

If we moved to schools and universities in the Arab countries , we found that the educational process is still done in the classroom and is based on the teacher as a source of information and traditional methods are based on the pen and paper book and blackboard teaching aids and some old ones. The use of computers and the Internet and laboratories of educational multi- media did not find its way into a lot of our schools and universities after . As the use of technology in education has become an imperative , not a luxury because of its positive effects on the process of teaching and learning of foreign languages ​​, so the transition from education by conventional methods to e-learning -based technology - either wholly or in part - requires several steps need time The long effort , including:
1 . Amendment of education policy at the level of schools and universities so as to make technology an essential tool in scientific education at all stages.
2 . Formation of a committee at the university level or the school district holds the development process consists of a working group comprising a group of specialists in several areas such as curriculum development and educational technology .
3 . Study of the reality of the use of technology in the school or university any inventory hardware and educational programs available where ·
4 . Support the management of the school or university and encourage them to integrate technology in education, and teachers use them.
5 . Conceived or long-term comprehensive plan to integrate technology in education at the level of the different courses and grades and different stages ·
6 . Determining the duration of time for the implementation of the integration plan in the teaching of various courses and grades . So that the integration process in stages , each consisting of small steps graded ·
7 . The allocation of a budget for the integration of technology in education and to cover the costs of purchasing hardware and software expenses and teacher training and recruitment of experts and trainers ·
8 . Create a structure to provide the technological infrastructure , including universities and schools with computers and accompanying equipment and educational programs , and the provision of computer labs with multimedia and Internet service delivery to universities , schools and replace old hardware - if they exist - with other modern sophisticated .
9 . The training of students and teachers on the use of computers and the Internet in education is done after providing the school or university work with computers and the necessary extensions directly .
10 . Establishment of a center for the design of curriculum -based technology at the university or the school district employs a team of specialists is preparing electronic multimedia curricula in different disciplines and different ranks of whether they are supported or not supported on the Internet. I have pointed Carlenr Carliner (1998) that the team set up e-learning programs consist of a group of specialists were: a project manager , and designer of the curriculum , and the writer writes the texts for the educational program , and is designed for fee photographs and programmer , engineer and test the validity of the program to use, and the editor checks over a sustained program and is consistent with the outline , and the specialist is testing links links and make sure it works , and that the program as a whole works well and do not cause crashes during use with other programs , and a team to take out the visual aspect , including photos , graphics, video, and another for output audio and specialists in scientific material , and the financiers of the project .
11 . Conduct research in the field of e-learning on an ongoing basis to inform teachers and officials on the impact of the use of technology in the education process and the extent to which students from the merger and to follow the latest developments in the field of educational technology .
12 . Provide technical support and maintenance of hardware and network permanently during teachers use technology in education. The teachers may face during training or during the use of technology in education some problems such as printing problems , connect to the Internet suddenly stopped , the inability to open the e-mail . I have said McDaniel and Amkubo McDaniel and Umekubo (1997) that this requires a technician is responsible for managing the network and another is responsible for the maintenance of the network permanently to repair the damage and help teachers in designing websites and web pages and oversee the training , planning, and answer the questions of teachers , in addition to the coordinator of the concert between networks of a group of schools or colleges at the university , or a number of universities .
In this regard, said Diaz Dias (1999) that the process of integration of technology in education is if technology has become a part of classroom activities daily , and supported the curriculum , and has been used in the expansion of its objectives and made the students a positive role in the learning process , so that education becomes meaningful for them , and become the learning process centered on the student and the teacher's role is to facilitate the educational process ·
Nor can any plan to integrate technology in education to succeed no matter what the availability of their financial capabilities and the spatial and advanced technology if it is not the teachers are capable and trained in the use of computers and educational programs online and even check any plan to integrate technology in the education of its objectives , researcher suggests the establishment of training programs for teachers to acquire the computer skills necessary cyberspace and e-learning imposed by modern technological revolution . To succeed, the process of integration of technology in education , sees a lot of specialists , such as Mac Daniel and Amekopo McDaniel and Umekubo (1997) to develop and train teachers to use the technology are the heart of the process of integration of technology in the educational process .

The role of the teacher in e-learning :

E-learning is a form of distance education , it differs in terms of the nature of the educational process , and content , methodology , and Calendar . Regarding the role of the learner in distance education this role negative , as it receives information without participating in the lesson or interact with educational material , either in e-learning is more positive where he participates in the educational process step by step learner see the teacher on the computer screen and interact with him through e-mail and direct dialogues and answer the learner for each question directed to him and have a strengthening of the correct answer .
With regard to educational article in distance education are prepared for all individuals , regardless of the capabilities of the learners , while changing content and presentation in e-learning , according to the capabilities of the learner and the current and future needs , and this is consistent with the principle of individualized instruction .
In terms of calendar , the most styles of education after the work done by the learners at the end of the program, while the calendar in e-learning is a method of systematically continuing to gather information on the impact of education and its effectiveness , so use evaluation results to improve education , or to find out whether the learner has achieved its objectives , or to measure the value of e-learning institution that you used .

From the above it is clear that the teacher had spent time in the explanation and clarification of the learner and only recipient of the information then changed roles became his teacher graded gained whenever the learner experience . After that the teacher is the center of education in the process of turning its role to facilitate and help the learner to discovery.
It is thus clear that the teacher's role evolved from being a carrier of knowledge and information to become assistants helping and advising then turned to the role of coach and prompt in solving problems , and now is the role of guidance .
And plays a teacher in the Internet era new roles based on the planning of the educational process , design and preparation , in addition to being a researcher and an assistant and directed , technology and designed and Director and simplified content and processes , Teacher in e-learning is trying to help learners to rely on themselves , rather than sufficiency to receive information , and thus apply modern theories learner -centered approach , which achieved self-education .

And competencies that must be met in teacher education -mail the following:

First: the design efficiencies of Education :
It has become incumbent on the teacher in e-learning to provide themselves with the skills of the designer of education , in order to allow him to design subject studied both in the traditional education system or e-learning , and this requires the provision of training programs to develop the skills of instructional design , on how to set up educational programs and curriculum , projects and lessons education , is to ensure the achievement of educational goals , and thus is the responsibility of teachers in e-learning responsibility familiarity with everything that is modern in the field of education , the theories in psychology and curriculum and teaching methods and evaluation methods and how to view the educational material in ways enjoyable and appropriate to the level of the learner , with the output of the educational material in a manner spry , the colors and shapes are consistent, in addition to that it familiarity with all that is new in e-learning , and the Internet , especially in the field of designing web sites and pages and multimedia of all kinds , and what is new in the world of communication and how to use it , and how to obtain the information and knowledge of good sources , and this of course reflected directly on the learners' academic achievement , because the teachers who engage in the design of education will have a high quality in the way of education , which leads to high quality at the level of the learners and their achievement .

Second, employ technology competencies :
Technology has evolved e-learning rapidly , and there is a change tremendously in the presentation of information in terms of coding , transmission and become the key role of teachers in e-learning requires the use of special hardware technology, education, information , and became the role of the teacher who uses technology in education , whether in traditional education or e-learning is to :
- Using role -based educational media
- Encouraging the role of interaction in the educational process
- The role of cheerleader on the acquisition of knowledge and creativity.
In addition to the above should be available in the teacher's academic qualifications for the same level of course and theme , it requires the teacher in e-learning that has a large number of qualifications or the long years of experience, it is also not necessarily have to be the teacher an expert in materials course , what is required from teacher to be Vihama of roles assigned to it , and be ready for training , and it is natural that these teachers have the skills acceptable to use the keyboard, as well as experience in the use of computers and the Internet;
Can be summarized basic skills teacher e-learning in the following:
1 - understanding the processes through e-learning .
2 - technical skills .
3 - communication skills online
4 - Content experience in academic programs .
5 - personal characteristics .
In traditional education reaction occurs between the educated , and education here have a face -to-face , but became newly put the learner is the center of the educational process , and the learner in e-learning is a real learner but he learns in an electronic environment .

There are six conditions for the success of e- learning process are:
1 - Identify educational goals to be achieved rather than the material that must be learned or saved .
2 - Acceptance of answers and ideas and a variety of results , rather than the result of one for all.
3 - production of knowledge instead of connecting and transmitting knowledge , because in the case of connecting knowledge vegan web role will not differ from the regular mail , but it is faster.
4 - Evaluating the educational mission instruction instead of evaluating the level of knowledge.
5 - Team Building Educational ( cooperative groups ) instead of solo work to deepen dialogue and debate among the educated .
6 - to encourage universal groups instead of local .
Based on the foregoing conclude that upgrading education through e-learning requires a new way of education beyond the teacher giving information is then retrieved from the learners through the tests , and even surpass the idea of ​​choosing the learner information received from the school .