Service Distance Education

Proliferated in recent times many universities and institutes and institutions that will allow the opportunity for education and study for scholars and students in various disciplines through the pages prepared specifically for this purpose on the Internet .

First, distance education

Intended distance education Distance Learning to use communication technology and computer technology in the education process . Called this process also terms such as :
Internet-Based Learning
Distributed Learning
Computer-Mediated Communication

And distance education is the transfer of knowledge from the Centers collected in the capitals of the states to cities far where there are no means and modes of knowledge huge and specialized . , And the connection between the student recipient and lecturer interactive interactive and allows the distance education system the possibility of receiving lectures from a remote source for a place lecture at the same speed at the same time implementing real time application and this system can broadcast live and recorded lectures with high efficiency , where the listener or the student can attend a lecture from inside or outside the borders of Kuwait .

Divided distance education in terms of transportation into two types :

1 . Synchronous transmission synchronous delivery where communication and interaction in real-time real time between the lecturer and the student .
2 . Transportation asynchronous asynchronous delivery as lecturer transfers and connect or provide subject by video , computer or any other means later time or another and have obtained the materials later

The benefits of distance education :

      Convenience where appropriate provide appropriate between the lecturer and the student .

      Flexibility allows flexibility for schools the option of participating by desire.

      The impact and effectiveness of proven effectiveness research on the education system after he was equivalent to or exceeds the impact and effectiveness of the traditional education system so when you use these techniques efficiently.

      Estimated affordability many forms of distance education does not cost a lot of money .

      The sense of multi- multi sensory There are many options in the subject delivery methods , including the subject of televised and the interaction of computer software and the subject recorded in cassette tapes .

The advantages of distance education :

1 . Geographical exploitation :

Does not require the student and the professor to be present in one place for the exchange of information. The student may have to read or listen to or even watching a lecture Professor electronically on-line via the Internet , even if the student is at home or in a country other than the country of residence of his teacher . As well as the professor can be published electronically in his lecture script or a visual or audio over the Internet from home or from a country other than the country in which it resides requested .
    Text textual ( using the formula Adobe Acrobat) or ;
     Sonic Audio ( using the formula Streaming Real Audio) or ;
     Visible Visual ( using the formula Streaming Real Video or Streaming Net Show or Compressed MPEG)
2 . Exploitation temporary :

Not necessary to \ be both a student and a professor at the present time and one for the exchange of information. The professor can lecture him to publish electronically either text format printable format or audible or visible student and then to read the lecture and prints or to listen to or watch at any time suits him without having to throw a professor lecture at a specific time . And also that the student the freedom to choose the right time for him to receive the lecture , the option also has a part in the selection of who wants to read it or listen to it or watch it . As well as he can to re- listen to a particular part of the lecture or to see a certain part of them and things are difficult to achieve in a traditional lecture . For example, a student can choose the parts that wants to listen to or watch the lecture if the lecture is published as a
Real Audio or Real Video. He can also re- listen to or watch any part of the lecture published those formulas.

3 . Intermediate computer :

To use the computer as an intermediary for the transfer of information also means to exploit the speed of the computer and its potential in the educational process and is helping in the development of this process .

4 . Provide educational opportunities for non- Almsttiein :

Distance education will enable a large segment of the community to achieve their wishes , especially those who do not have access to higher education for different conditions ( such as age or link to a specific job ) . Education is remotely open to all and the need to attend to the university systems at specific times things which may not be suitable for some conditions .

5 . Overcome the problem of the capacity of universities and educational bodies :

Education is the remote does not require students to attend classes , and does not require the presence lecturer in each chapter in order to give a limited number of students given a lecture . This means that universities and educational institutions will be able to overcome the problem of limited absorptive capacities that they had to accept a number of students commensurate with what is available from the classrooms and teachers .

Disadvantages of distance education :

1 . The need for training :
Teachers need to be trained on the use of the Internet in general, in addition to training on the use of special software to be used in the work of web pages and publish lectures and so on. The student also needs to be trained on the use of the Internet in addition to training on the use of programs that help the exchange of information with his teacher . Before all of this requires both the student and the professor to possess to learn the basics of computer Computer Literacy.

2 . The need for technological structure :
In order to create a system of distance education must provide the structure of technological infrastructure Technological Infrastructure at university or who want subtracting the distance education programs . This structure is not available at all universities or educational institutions .

3 . The need for a connection between the students and the Internet :
So that students have access to electronic data and to be able to exchange information with their teachers must provide a connection between the students and the Internet . This connection may be contacted through the Internet service provider or ISP via the internal network of the university teaching staff or Intranet. However, not all students are able to connect to the Internet through Internet service provider . As well as universities and educational bodies do not have all Intranet networks open to students .

4 . Problem Bandwidth Bandwidth:
Of the fundamental problems facing the process Altalpm remote problem bandwidth Bandwidth any speed through which the exchange of information between the Internet service provider and the Internet user that connects to the network via this provider . Vmstkhaddmo Internet who connect to the network from a regular household phone devices via Internet service providers share information with Internet speeds do not normally exceed 33.6 Kbps Kbps for the transfer of video lectures appropriately so that they can watch lectures on the full-size screen and without a cut in sound and picture a user needs the Internet to offer high-speed transfer of information between him and the network Alanturnnt . This can be achieved by connecting the user's computer via the Internet systems , especially given bandwidth Bandwidth larger systems such as ISDN, DSL and T1 Lines
And others. These systems are considered expensive for ordinary users .

5 . Security :
Security is one of the fundamental problems facing the process of distance learning. During the performance of the examination of electronic on-line quizzes professor does not guarantee that the student was not trying to cheat . As well as the professor does not guarantee that it performs the exam is the student's own and not someone else. There are some software tools and techniques that may help overcome some of the negative aspects related to security , but it is not enough to overcome all those negatives . This means the use of what is known as Bal Login Names and Passwords for the entry to the exam by programming the site to accept only students who are allowed to enter. Of those roads also get the IP address used by the student's performance during the exam by doing special programs use some possibilities Computer Server from the server to identify the address. However, these methods are not sufficient to overcome all the negatives on the subject of security.

6 . Costs:
In addition to the previous negatives , there are the costs borne by the party that you want to apply the system of distance education . Of these costs with regard to the technological infrastructure required for the distance education system . The purchase and maintenance of computer server Server with equipment and programs , or rent space on a computer server of a third party all of which represent a financial burden . The training of teachers in the use of software and tools used in distance education system represents an additional financial burden .

Requirements of distance education :

There are some technical requirements that must be met in order to design a system distance learning , including:

1 . The presence of a computer server Server with sufficient capacity and speed in order to store the information relating to courses . This can be a computer server located at the university or the party that put distance education programs . However, the availability of this system when the body requires high costs of installation , maintenance, and Internet connectivity . Can provide those costs by renting space on a computer server available at one of the companies that lease space on its computer server to meet certain amounts .
2 . You must allow programmers to enter a specific area in the central computer in order to enable them to work web pages interactive Interactive using the programs (Common Gateway Interface) CGI, which are programs written in languages ​​software such as Pearl, Visual Basic, C + +, C, and allow these programs to the Internet user sends information and receive responses from certain central computer .
3 . Must be available to work programs and maintenance of web pages such as editing software page Web Page Editors and FTP file transfer programs and the Telnet. And also must have experience of teachers using these programs . May be required in some cases, provide knowledge of the language by using the language recognized for the work of the Internet pages.
4 . Must provide a connection between the students and the Internet so that students have access to a computer server.
5 . You must have a large amplitude wave high bandwidth enable students to access the Internet at high speed and in the case of whether the distance education system includes video lectures . This speed should exceed the speed of 33.6 kb and is not less than the normal speed of the system ISDN.
6 . It may require additional hardware , such as the availability of a Video Server whether distance education system includes visual materials .

Second : Video conference

Is the transfer of live images and audio from a site to several sites separated by distances for the transfer of information ) lectures , seminars , conferences , elections ... etc. ( needed by all parties and the transmission and reception interactive and direct and means of transmission main cameras and monitors and the technique used in general are . hdsl

Third: The system of telemedicine tele medicine

System of telemedicine applications is one of the video conference
And allows the user to hold or confers some surgical operations or by video
The robot Robot from places as far apart to facilitate medical consultations for cases
 Emergency and the technique used is the same technique . hdsl

The beneficiaries of the service:

      Conference rooms
      Organizations and the diplomatic corps
      Enterprises and institutions

The technology used in the delivery of science - Distance Education

Distance Learning
Is the field of research , aims to provide knowledge and education for students who do not personally exist in traditional Kelsafov educational facilities and universities , also described as " the process of getting on the flag when it is the source of knowledge and learners separated by time and place , or both. "

The evolution of the Internet and the computer made ​​the spread of distance learning is faster and more efficient than before , to gain access to the Virtual University . And in 1996 founded the University of Jones International University, the first to be fully established on the Internet, and is recognized by many associations to recognize the U.S. .
More than 96% of the world's greatest universities are offering classes and the decisions of the remote , and more than 3.2 million U.S. students were taking an educational one scheduled for after at least during the autumn season of 2005 .
Today, a lot of universities and public and private nonprofit institutions and non-profit around the world provide some form of distance education, from the simplest to the most complex lessons undergraduate courses and even doctoral programs . And these institutions gain varying degrees of recognition , some certificates in recognition of high gain and some are not taken into account a lot.
The technology used in the delivery of science :
There are two types of technology used in the delivery of science and remote are:
• Synchronous
• Asynchronous
Synchronous System : The system is available each source of science and educated at the same time , and is a traditional way of learning but with the non-existence of the participants in the same place . And it requires the presence of a specific timetable followed by the participants . And examples of technology used in this method: Web conferencing or video (web conference, video conference) on the Internet or the radio , or direct broadcast (live streaming) or a traditional phone or VOIP
Asynchronous system : and is a system that allows users to enter and access information at any time they want depending on their schedule your calendar , this system is more flexible . Students are not obliged to be present together at the same time . And e-mail is the oldest method of distance learning and is an example of this system , in addition to the Forum and sound recordings and video recordings and publications , which are examples of technology used in the educational system .
Certainly , it is possible to integrate the two types of education and the simultaneous asynchronous together , as happens in The Open University , which based in Leeds in England , and that offers some of the lectures at their headquarters for the day to support distance learning.
There are other technology now used in the delivery of distance learning using virtual worlds three-dimensional on the Internet , Active World and The Second Life is a virtual worlds three dimensions of being are now providing lessons and lectures three dimensions , offers the learner the same amount of participation and expertise offered by the traditional lessons .
Benefits of distance learning from the perspective of the learner :
• obtain certificates and estimates of foreign universities without having to Westernization and Travel
• Access to the flag at any time and from anywhere .
• access to non- infinite amount of science and knowledge , no matter what age or degree of learner he is busy .
Benefits of distance learning from the viewpoint of institutions :
• Expanding access : The distance learning he could meet the needs of learning and training required of companies without imposing time constraints on staff.
• mitigation of limitations and cost : For the University , the majority of activities will take place at the headquarters of the university , which offers the opportunity to reduce the amounts paid to create buildings .
• make use of material from emerging markets : studies indicated that science requires lifelong learning , Valchhadh university is not enough , and the learner that his information is always happening , and this is available by distance learning without restrictions of time or spatial .
In Syria , there is a virtual university as an example of distance learning, and provides virtual university many undergraduate courses and post- university Kalmajistir , and follow the virtual university is mostly learning system for simultaneous , allowing students to participate in the lesson and get direct answers to their questions from lecturer .

Distance Education

The success of distance education in the last years of the twentieth century and the beginning years of the twenty- century atheist , can be explained by the combined three phenomena are:
- Increased demand for this type of education.
- Economic need to cut the cost of education.
- The invasion of technology rapid communication of multimedia for different sectors of activity , including education , so that the conversion to the use of media and teaching aids was the premise of the developments that we are witnessing today.

 Is distance education is education by correspondence , or is education by taking advantage of modern communication media and multimedia , educational Kalhacob telephone , radio , television and finally the Internet?

This difference is known in distance education, highlights the difference in the definition , sees some educators that it is just a means of education , uses a display technology through multimedia to inform education to the learners present places far away ... This definition , reduces the distance education does not reflect the truth , and do not mention anything about the complexity of the information that it supports. And opine that education after more than a means of education , it is difficult to branching system refunded to the traditional systems of education , in terms of the conduct or educational organization . Fajsaús consist principally of the new relationships that exist between learning and teaching. After all , learning and distance education require Taiera essential practices and educational means to overcome distance and isolation of the learner , and the consequent profound shift in the roles and tasks of the teachers , and educational approach that should be conceived on the basis of self-learning . These changes require re- organization and function of the education system , takes the appearance of the center for the production of educational tools and distribution , depends on the learner these tools available to him to continue to learn , kept up with the assistance of the requirements of self-learning - when needed - to other resources offered by this system. Therefore, the model of distance education recommends defining the standards keep pace with the learning and teaching , and more than data frame educational traditional arrangement of education in which the education of oral ( confrontation ) and centered educational process in which the initiative of the teacher and the relationship that would be built between him and Mtalmah ... and on this basis the teaching methods that use the media and tend to individuals , can not be considered a method of distance education, unless they are integrated within the range of learning activities , and within the follow-up interactive learning , as the setting of Education by the guide , and facilitate meetings between learners and others.

Characteristics of distance education :
After learning a set of characteristics , which can be summarized as follows:
1 - the teacher and the learner are far from each other spatially , and prevents - this dimension - any connection between them , and deprives the learner of contact environment traditional education , such as libraries and related services , and exchange of experiences with the rest of the educated , and participate in cultural activities , and consultation with the education ... And so on.
To compensate for this deficiency , should distance education systems that help the learner , and that spurred to create a learning environment for himself , exploited the resources provided by his own environment .
2 - played institution - in distance education - an important role at the heart of the educational process it - not the teacher - which provides education , and follow up the work of the learner and help him achieve learned self , providing him an infrastructure -rich services , and this is what weakens the traditional relationship between the teacher and the learner , but did not stay to its existence in any distance education has an important role , but in some disciplines applied .
3 - use the media within the integrated group :
The resources studied , and training activities , and assumptions ( homework ) and examinations and recommendations ... Communicated to learners through multimedia , and is writing the texts and analysis expertise , distribution and formulation of the message of educational specialists , experts and journalists to find the function of the conditions of interactive teaching and learning and provide learning environments complete and independent .
4 - represents communication - bi-directional - part of the elements of distance education , this education requires the active participation of learners , and to develop equipment to connect to the bi-directional , to enable learners and mentors from the exchange of information , and enable learners to use these devices to communicate with each other , and can be carried Contact by phone or mail , they are the most widely used devices for their flexibility and low cost finance. It has been shown effective means to stimulate learning and responding to the needs of each learner .
5 - meetings :
Should enable learners to establish social relationships with each other , and exchange views Hfa content of education and discuss the problems they face in learning , and play the role of facilitator to guide these meetings and help to learn,
6 - inspired way of distance learning methods of industrial production ...
Education after all lead to profound changes in the working methods of the staff educators and administrators , with respect to the development of attention and organization of production and distribution for the education of the masses ... The allocation of tasks and rational organization of labor, the environment and the serial , production control and analytical study of the market with respect to all of the practices of educational products , excellence in the basis of the method of distance education.

Rationale for distance education :

Projects aim of distance education - in some cases - to achieve the objectives similar to the objectives of the traditional networks , it seeks to enable the masses of traditional access to educational programs and academic , and targeted in other cases teach new audiences , providing them education programs way does not necessarily fall in educational programs lead to obtain a certificate .

In general , the purpose of distance education discloses social trends or conditions of certain cultural ... In addition there are a number of justifications seem to be universal is affiliated to the systems of distance education, such as overcoming the dimension , and the reduction of the cost of education , which seeks to remotely deleted .. These are some of the goals :

1 - to overcome the distance :
Those who do not have access to the usual networks of education , they can , thanks to distance education to get a good education , effective use of communication devices with costs less than that required for direct instruction .
2 - reduction of the cost :
The systems are large for distance education , which could be pursued in the last decades of the twentieth century , working on the basis that the cost of distance education is less than the cost of education at the university , they are systems operate with a limited number of specialized staff , and do not have to spend money in the structures to accommodate educated , or in educational facilities , or in some complementary services for university education . It achieves financial balance between the convenience of permanent cost of operations and the number of learners enrolled . As is the case in most institutions , they overcome the financial difficulties in controlling expenses and the increase in income , and the economic success achieved by systems of distance education draws attention even among traditional education .
3 - bridging the social and educational needs :
Able to distance education to fill the needs of social and educational groups ... Communities , which seeks to promote education on a large scale , or making efforts to raise the level of education has a ... You'll often find in distance education satisfactory solution to serve its target audience .
The principle of access to learning , which is guaranteed to get rid of the restrictions related to the spatial dimension accompanied by flexibility in the application of requirements for admission in distance education programs , and in recognition of the information acquired .. Open universities , for example, to be accepted by all educated Rashid wish to do so , and demonstrates the ability to follow collected . In open institutions that have liberalized their education entry requirements , great learner can - if before - to get an education equal to and even exceeds the education that can be received within a traditional educational institution .
I've received way distance education favor with adults because of their practical formula , but they respond to a change in mentalities , Vakabar tend to get rid of the illusion of cultural heritage that was paid to the belief that there is no room to learn, away from the school and the teacher and the halls of education ... The media and public industry experiences and personal research has become a recognized means for the learner , and became seen as learning to cope with self- knowledge acquisition carried out by the learner in an independent capacity .
Education is remotely a factor of social efficiency that are looking to advanced industrial societies , and became the people believe they are able to respond to social groups want to update their own information and openness to new horizons of knowledge .
4 - impart a sense of responsibility to learn :
After leaving education for a bountiful share of responsibility in the organization of the educational environment , Vmassh distance education is the educational materials and provides educational services for ... While bears learner great responsibility to learn self , taking into account the need to take into account the difficulties faced by adult learners who have learned a traditional education , did not acquire the skills needed to learn independently , and to be on the system of distance education to provide them with rehabilitation and appropriate follow-up to be able to develop the skills they qualifies them to do to go along with self-learning .

Regulatory features :

How do we get to teach effectively to a growing number of educated and lower costs ?

Has to be the way they are going to develop the traditional educational system , House Education and converted to house the production of educational materials , will be valid for broadcast media devices to be reported to many persons far away geographically scattered , and non- homogenous in terms of business and education degrees .

The fragmentation of courses to a series of activities to portray the educational material , production and distribution lead to the involvement of a group of specialists .. Involved in the preparation of the content of the lessons , and technology education , and in the editing and production of documents .. In addition to these specialists in rehabilitation , advisors and guides and entertainers in charge of follow-up lessons during deployment.

Should rely on the management of multi-disciplinary staff has to coordinate the operations of scriptwriting , production , programming and sent to the learners accompanied by audio-visual documentation , and rehabilitation of learners to run and take advantage of its contents .. These processes are numerous and complex organization is subject to Khtit thorough and careful management so that it can attain the highest degree of efficiency.

The bottom line : The learner who does not have great teachers in his place of residence finds itself in isolation from the rest of the educated and away from education institutes , not only his choice of self-learning and distance education. It is in this choice is betting on its ability to achieve the requirements of this education based on his personal independent . This type of learning requires him to have a complete knowledge on its own , Visttia diagnose needs and choose the appropriate means to fill them , and he has to learn how to recognize competencies and habits in education , and abilities in organizing the Times Education and epochs in the context of their daily lives , what has its independence in Education it may be more than is available to the likes of learners in traditional education . It has set the liberation of time, place and length of the school year and the time required to complete the study programs .. These things are not restricted anymore in distance education , then education can learn to regulate the conduct of all the freedom and self- responsibility , and provide him - when needed - educational resources and learning .
Mediators :

The follow-up processes and the preparation of the teaching-learning lessons , mainly aimed at the content of education suited to the needs of each learner . If the lessons of distance education offered in the form of material finished , fixed content , do not accept the change , these lessons have been developed to serve a broad audience , the role of intermediaries is mainly in making education in line with the expectations of the learner , and adapts according to his needs , and help him to solve problems.

The communication held by guides with learners offer them assistance and resources necessary to solve their problems .. As well as the activities are in the field of rehabilitation counselors incentive to entice learners.

Communications, with mentors strengthen the resolve of the learners , groups and meetings to enable them - also - to share their experiences in the field of education , and the completion of joint exercises in a team work .. Learner finds the entire complement of what is needed to bring him to learn.

In short, the distance education product to regulate the activities and educational resources used by the learner independently according to his own desire , without imposing upon submission to the limitations of spatial and temporal , or to the power relations existing in traditional education , and more specifically can be defined as the distance learning that formula learning with great potential enables the learner's knowledge of the relationship and re- use of educational resources and rehabilitation at his disposal in the scope and pattern of self-learning

Self-learning and distance education

I do not think we're at a historic track at the beginning of the real distance learning , since the beginning of history , people Atrahlon from one place to another , whether in trade or in the adventure or the like ; they take with them from the customs and traditions and a letter to the party that they were getting in and whether it's on purpose or inadvertently was inherent to human knowledge wherever and journeyed . And also moved religions , ideas and knowledge in the old one.
When I started writing in the spread between the peoples emerged a new style for the codification of knowledge and moved stones engraved in the beginning between the countries inhabited at the time , followed by the patches and papyrus , then known human -mail and began to exchange knowledge messages , which was carrying the news and what is happening from the events of the times until the last century who knew schools that offer distance education - correspondence - including but not limited to high schools and institutes established in Paris, in London, in Liege , appeared after the higher distance education in universities have been known for more than a century in all parts of the world .
And the development of technologies and means of communication defined by the latter half of the century, above , came into existence the information revolution we are experiencing now is the proliferation of sites on the Internet for information : The network is the most effective way to communicate devised rights to this day While this modern way of transmission of knowledge carries many hopes for the youth of tomorrow , we must define the terms of its success and its borders . It is not enough to put the content of the curriculum on the network to ensure the success of distance education, etc.; influenced by the educational process because the remote distance between the teacher and the learner makes them dependent on the foundations of a very important can be summarized in :
1 . The diversity of teaching methods , collaborative work , interactive sessions and work synchronous and asynchronous ...
2 . Engineering pedagogical work , which aims to reorganize content - lessons - and sharing the adoption of the modern center ; computer screen ( quality animated shapes Alibdagojah heads and other supporting content )
3 . Seminars sequence ( which must take into account the circumstances of each student )
4 . Rotation of lessons and exercises - Examinations - interactive
5 . Quality and efficiency of supervision
6 . Consider the efficiency of the operating system as an end in itself loses its value after learning formative . Without human intervention and tight regulation can not adopt the method of distance learning as well .

If it should rely on the target , and the category in question - distance education - and the interactive mode of cooperation so that we can organize an educational program that responds to the requirements desired .

Ways of learning

Determine the method of learning the principles and rules associated individuals - learners - Bmassadralamaref and skills. We must take these principles into account the learner in the first place ( the degree of independence and knowledge of the technologies used in the process of learning , and motivation ) . And allows the diversity of teaching methods - teaching remotely - to provide effective solutions to the solutions they rely circumstances of each person , and complementary to respond to the growing needs of the learner .

In the following paragraphs , we will try to briefly clarify the vision by bringing the idea to the reader all the modern methods known to the field of distance learning

 You can see the full image after pressing them

1 - Self-learning

The way to allocate the learner from the time that is available has a certain share the focus on the study of a subject that interested relying its own means and guidance of the university or institute, which will be registered with it. If it is not registered in any institution named Asamia learner , and this group of learners pursuing special methods do not fall within the scope of our conversation about distance learning.
In this context, the learner organize his time and learn what is available to him by the media pedagogical designed by the teacher or service provider configuration. The lessons consist of multi-media ( texts , images , audio and video ) to intensify the interaction between the student and the material which increases the Dafieth and expand the energy absorbed.
This method is fit and methods of research and personal reflection to crystallize individual work that will enable the student to attend or present learning teamwork later.
Which is facing problems of self-learning , because if it encountered technical difficulty in dealing with the user's machine , and did not know how to have dealt with it under pressure may delay the progress of the study and the methodology to be associated with a time limit .

2 - present learning

Way to be in direct contact with the learner over the network with Professor Lecture somewhere in the world and believes in a link with Mr. learner through the institute or university. The learner here only run communication system of the university to be on-line directly with the teacher .
This method is used by the so-called " peace of mind " and was an echo in the beginning of this decade. It is maligned on this method it is still expensive .

3 - learning the supervisory

It is a condition of the success of distance education , where he focuses on the presence of a teacher or a router that supports on-line interaction between students , answers to their questions , which can not find an answer to temporarily turn into a block lead to reduced motivation of the learner . It has become possible to attend the supervisor and the availability of means of communication across the network which:

1 . Contact by simultaneous conversation " Chat "
2 . Asynchronous communication is embodied in the forum

Supervision is exercised in two ways: the supervision of an individual and be linking a special relationship with the learner to avoid a sense of exclusivity and unity , and to increase the degree of incorporating it in the subject and support in solving problems related to the subject or the machine itself. The group supervision is practiced in chat rooms - also called lecture rooms - or in the forum and promote a dynamic exchange that resembles the collective actions that take place inside the classroom.

From here shows that teaching methods are almost remote copies of the image of the situation which connects communication professor students , and the supervisor that keen on :

1 . Quality content rolling
2 . Interventions and to encourage students
3 . And cares diligently all students to use the means used ( operating system , how to deal with the student's program , the floor , the floor , sent documents and images , knowing the means available in the Forum ) .
4 . Framing the discussion and answer questions of each student .

The system is designed to connect the education that is expected , including the possibility of enriching fits exceptional cases there may be a need or improve the performance of Rise supervisor Forum adds it deems appropriate to the circumstances of the students .

4 - collaborative work collective

This method not be effective only in the forum, which will be designed by the university to serve the students . Students may choose to participate in the implementation of projects or collaborate on the study of a particular topic so that all of them work is contributing with his knowledge and skill .

We believe that Amalah distance education not send the package wrote to the student or to publish the content of a lesson on its site , but is a process that requires the interaction with the student and give him the opportunity to act as a single prove its efficiency and evaluates his efforts in an objective , where the certificate is to be obtained from the university or the institute , who scored by will not pay unless the student is a genuine desire to achieve success due, arrived to do the work of producing a serious Thi scientific value has been estimated by the Commission is satisfied that the discussion of his student Neil Degree

The impact of the use of e-learning at the level of academic achievement and mental abilities

The current era is characterized by a tremendous amount of knowledge and information , and technical progress , and rapid changes , and fundamental shifts in scientific and technical applications , leading to rename the information age .
Perhaps it is now recognized the need to use what is known as the means of education and modern technologies work-related education , to achieve the goals of education to face the best, at the best possible level , so what 's the means of educational and technical tool appropriate relationship in various senses , and because of its impact on the absorption of knowledge and gain skill and experience.
The Computer Technology from one of the modern techniques , with a positive impact in the life of modern man , and entered in the current era in education as an educational tool has proved its importance in this area as well as other teaching aids . So the contemporary educational trends in developed countries adopted as a technique and style of modern methods and fast and feasible in the completion of educational programs and achieve their goals .
We have developed methods of teaching and learning in the recent exciting development , especially after the advent of modern technology -based education and e-learning , there are many studies that have addressed the importance of the use of computers and e-learning , and the impact of the use of educational software in education , as recommended Symposium Computer at universities in the Arab Gulf States the need to emphasize the importance of the development of each of the Gulf Arab states for the same national plan informative and clearly define their development goals and what should be done in order to face the challenges of the information age

Seminar also recommended the use of computers in public education , which was held in Bahrain, the need to develop national plans Informatics for Gulf Arab states , as well as the introduction of computer decisions at all stages of public education to create a learning environment that actively replace Education chore .
The study dealt with Bitar [3] Computer and its importance in practical life , as the study showed that the use of computers in the educational process heralds a better future for the coming generations , and that professionalism, hired him to improve the teaching and learning processes . He also stressed that Abdul Qader [19] pointed out that where the conviction of the importance of computers in the educational process in developed countries are increasing day after day

Problem of the study :
In follow-up studies that indicate shortcomings , and the large number of errors in the teaching of science in ways verbal like a traditional study Sarhan [16 , p 5] , who showed a lot of negatives in the traditional methods of teaching science , and study Khatib, 11 , p 146 , which confirmed that the traditional way of teaching Science ignores individual differences among learners , and assume that all educated both in their minds and abilities , providing lesson style may not suit the varying capabilities of the learners .
He also pointed Maraghi [28 , p 111 [ to follow one style and lack of diversification in training and an impaired ability to stimulate the learner may lead to students feeling bored , and lack of follow-up shown by the teacher .
And describes Bakhsh ] 2 , p 90 [ that the current organization of the decisions of the science does not encourage the use of scientific thinking , and showed that the current science books is a separate units , unconnected , do not focus on the problems of the students and the area of ​​interest.
Some argue that e-learning may help avoid a lot of negatives in teaching , and in this regard refers Muhammad [26 , p 108 [ to that e-learning is working to save the information in multiple styles of graphics, images , signals , writings , and the sounds of technologies interact with the learner directly and positively to lead the learner step by step towards perfection , by placing information -based multimedia , and enable the learner to respond to them in different ways , and to inform the learner to the extent of his success and progress in education through the provision of feedback is immediate in order to enhance learning correct, correct learning wrong .
And see Altodra [6] that e-learning is one of the necessities of the educational process , not luxuries or just a luxury, or entertain , but to cope with the increased numbers of learners sharply can not schools usual absorbed all of us, and also thinks that this education booster good for traditional education , it can this method integrates with the usual teaching shall be supportive of him , and in this case, the teacher may refer the students to some of the activities or duties based on the electronic media .
Both the al-Hazmi [9] , and Hudhaifi and Aldgam 10 , pp. 193-194 [ the need for attention to e-learning to become educational software is part of the curriculum , as one of the modern technologies that facilitate content delivery approach effectively , which requires the attention of those responsible plans future commensurate with the rapid developments in the field of successive e-learning .
In light of the foregoing, the problem of the study determined the importance of the use of e-learning in the classroom , and trying to figure out the impact on the collection , and the trend , and the mental abilities of pupils subject of the study .

Questions of the study :
The present study attempted to answer the following questions :
1 - What is the impact of the use of e-learning on the level of achievement in science among middle school students ? .
2 - What is the impact of the use of e-learning in the development of mental abilities among middle school students ? .
3 - What is the impact of the use of e-learning on the direction of middle school students about science? .

Objectives of the study :
The current study aimed to know :
1 - The impact of the use of e-learning on the level of achievement in science among middle school students .
2 - The impact of the use of e-learning in the development of mental abilities among middle school students .
3 - The impact of the use of e-learning on the direction of middle school students about science.

The study hypotheses :
I tried the current study , and after reviewing the previous studies , which were presented at a later time of this study , be sure to check or not to check the following hypotheses :
1 - The lack of a statistically significant difference at the level ( 0.05) between the average grades of the experimental group and the control group students by the use of e-learning in :
A) the level of achievement in science .
B) the development of mental abilities .
C) the trend towards science .
2 - there is a difference statistically significant at the level ( 0.05) between the average grades of the experimental group in the two applications for pre and post test grades in :
A) the level of achievement in science .
B) the development of mental abilities .
C) the trend towards science .
3 - there is a difference statistically significant at the level ( 0.05) between the average grades of the experimental group and the control group students after the use of e-learning in :
A) the level of achievement in science .
B) the development of mental abilities .
C) the trend towards science .

The limits of the study:
The current study identified the following limitations :
1 - third-graders from the middle school at the School of the Institute of typical Mediterranean capital city of Riyadh .
2 - science assessed on third-graders from the middle school .
3 - the first semester of the year 1426-1427 AH .

Terms of the study:
The study examined the following terms:
1 - e-learning : received several definitions of e-learning , and different views of scientists about that, and he knows a researcher in the current study that education based on multiple electronic devices means which includes course content and associated activities that are prepared and designed and produced in the form of program electronic in light of the standards codified , and educational purposes specific , focused primarily on the positive interaction with the learner .
2 - academic achievement : is the degree obtained by the student in the achievement test prepared by the researcher .
3 - Direction: is a state of mental readiness for the transitional behavior positively or negatively about a particular topic [22] .
And serves as a person's attitude toward the cognitive and emotional specific topic or a specific person .
4 - intermediate stage : the stage of learning is mediated primary and secondary levels , and duration of three years in public education .
5 - Brainpower : It is a cybernetic any activity aimed at overcoming any problem in the field of mental issues and the promise of this diverse field of information .

Society and the study sample :
The study population consisted of all the current third-graders in the Mediterranean city of Riyadh for the academic year 1426-1427 AH , and 60 students were selected at random , representing the research sample which is about two groups , one experimental (29 students ) , and the other officer (31 pupils) .
Variables of the study :
The study included the following variables :
1 - the independent variable : The use of e-learning in teaching science for students in second grade average , for the experimental group .
2 - dependent variables : The academic achievement , and mental capacity , and the trend towards science.
3 - variables that have been seized by experimentation :
A) chronological age of the pupils .
B) Based on the previous achievement levels of students achievement .
C) teaching time (45 minutes per share for both groups ) .
D) the achievement test and the date of application.

Procedures of the study :
Been applied to the achievement test and measurements of mental capacity , and the trend on the experimental and control groups tribal , and after controlling for variables that could affect the outcome of the study was the application of experience , where she studied software e-learning for science experimental group under the supervision of a researcher , while the control group was studied science the traditional way .
After the completion of the study has been the experience of the application of tools Uday study to see the impact of the independent variable on the dependent variables .

Justifications for e-learning

In recent months has expanded the use of electronic technology to include all aspects of contemporary life , became universities, colleges and educational institutions and schools are looking outfits to employ technology in the presentation of curricula and submission. Of these universities that hired this technology ( Harvard University - Harvard) and ( Yale University - Yale) and ( Stanford University - Stanford) and ( MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and ( Princeton University - Princeton) and ( California Institute Technology - California Institute of Technology) and ( the University of Pennsylvania -University of Pennsylvania) and ( the University of Edinburgh - University of Edinburgh) and dozens of other universities with the elite in the e-learning market . These universities are registering people who want to study free of charge in electronic courses . Some universities are working on the development of technology distance learning , while others hold partnerships with companies such as ( Korsera - Coursera) and ( Odasita - Udacity).

Quoting from one of the officials at the University of California with respect to the business strategy that was behind the golden age of technology progress : "We do not want to be ( Block Buster - Blockbuster) intervene when ( Netflix - Netflix)". As is the case for designers and distributors of curriculum knowledge , the universities fear that the Internet obstructing their business models , to the extent that hampered the newspapers and company records , films and television studios .
Faces a massive shift in higher education strong protests - and a lot , figuratively , by university faculty members , and who may benefit from distance learning, with the passage of time , in various ways . An example of these criticisms, comments Professor Mark Edmundson , a lecturer in the Department of English at the University of Virginia English , which is mentioned in the New York Times Magazine on July 19 , which Atsal it: " You can have a method of e-learning much better than the method of traditional education ? " All the answers are negative, because, among other problems , " E-learning is a dialogue self and there is a debate ," What can not replace the "learning in the spirit of collective ... and cooperation [ where ] meet with students and teachers together and devise a vibrant community of learning ."
In my view, such criticism fails to understand the process of one of two basic methods . First, no one argues that the e- courses , whatever their design prowess and their interaction and involvement on the ground , Stdaha sit on the seats of study at Harvard University in the presence of a senior faculty members . Lucky is the person who gets accepted into Harvard University , along with the time and near the place and expenses to attend personally - this is part of the privileges granted to the micro level of the world's population - and that the smart move is being in the classroom . As for the rest of the humans hungry for knowledge in all parts of the world , is it better to rule out completely from those seminars or the probability of their presence in the actual learning environment rich ? The answer seems clear .

Comparison of e-learning and traditional education

You can view the differences between each of the e-learning and traditional education by conducting the following comparison between the two :

Face comparison

Method of user education

Employing technological innovations , which depends on the electronic multi-media presentations , and discussions and style web pages.

Traditional education
Based on the book do not use any of the means or technological methods , except in some cases.


Based on interactive , as it allows the use of multimedia to the learner sailing in electronic presentations , and deal with it as he wants , and allow him to discussions across the web Baltvaalih

Traditional education
Does not depend on interaction , as it is only between the teacher and the learner , but it is not always between the learner and the book, as a traditional way not to attract attention .

The possibility of update


Can be updated with ease, and inexpensive when publishing on the Web conventional roads , where it can be done after publication.

Traditional education

Update process here is not available to you when you can not print the book compiled and edited it again after publication.


Available at any time , so enjoy the flexibility available in any place , where they can access the Internet from anywhere , so his chances of education available over the world.

Traditional education
His time specified in the table, and places are designed , and the educational opportunities are limited to the territory, located in the area of education.

Responsibility for learning

Depends on self-education , where the learner learns according to their abilities and interests , and by the speed and time that suits him , and blamed the place .

Traditional education
Depends on the teacher , so it is not available at any time , and can not be dealt with only in the classroom only .

Design Education

The educational process is designed to build on the learning experiences can be gained through education .

Traditional education
Is designing the educational process through the development of a pre-defined structure , the system of one size fits all (One Size Fits All)

Education System

Is an open system in a flexible and distributor, which allows learners to proceed according to its speed and in its place , to achieve any answer for how long? How ? Where? . It also means that the distribution of both the teacher and the learner and the content in different places .

Traditional education
Happens in a closed system , where you must specify the time and place of any answer to Where? And when?

The requirements of the transition from traditional education to e-learning

If we moved to schools and universities in the Arab countries , we found that the educational process is still done in the classroom and is based on the teacher as a source of information and traditional methods are based on the pen and paper book and blackboard teaching aids and some old ones. The use of computers and the Internet and laboratories of educational multi- media did not find its way into a lot of our schools and universities after . As the use of technology in education has become an imperative , not a luxury because of its positive effects on the process of teaching and learning of foreign languages ​​, so the transition from education by conventional methods to e-learning -based technology - either wholly or in part - requires several steps need time The long effort , including:
1 . Amendment of education policy at the level of schools and universities so as to make technology an essential tool in scientific education at all stages.
2 . Formation of a committee at the university level or the school district holds the development process consists of a working group comprising a group of specialists in several areas such as curriculum development and educational technology .
3 . Study of the reality of the use of technology in the school or university any inventory hardware and educational programs available where ·
4 . Support the management of the school or university and encourage them to integrate technology in education, and teachers use them.
5 . Conceived or long-term comprehensive plan to integrate technology in education at the level of the different courses and grades and different stages ·
6 . Determining the duration of time for the implementation of the integration plan in the teaching of various courses and grades . So that the integration process in stages , each consisting of small steps graded ·
7 . The allocation of a budget for the integration of technology in education and to cover the costs of purchasing hardware and software expenses and teacher training and recruitment of experts and trainers ·
8 . Create a structure to provide the technological infrastructure , including universities and schools with computers and accompanying equipment and educational programs , and the provision of computer labs with multimedia and Internet service delivery to universities , schools and replace old hardware - if they exist - with other modern sophisticated .
9 . The training of students and teachers on the use of computers and the Internet in education is done after providing the school or university work with computers and the necessary extensions directly .
10 . Establishment of a center for the design of curriculum -based technology at the university or the school district employs a team of specialists is preparing electronic multimedia curricula in different disciplines and different ranks of whether they are supported or not supported on the Internet. I have pointed Carlenr Carliner (1998) that the team set up e-learning programs consist of a group of specialists were: a project manager , and designer of the curriculum , and the writer writes the texts for the educational program , and is designed for fee photographs and programmer , engineer and test the validity of the program to use, and the editor checks over a sustained program and is consistent with the outline , and the specialist is testing links links and make sure it works , and that the program as a whole works well and do not cause crashes during use with other programs , and a team to take out the visual aspect , including photos , graphics, video, and another for output audio and specialists in scientific material , and the financiers of the project .
11 . Conduct research in the field of e-learning on an ongoing basis to inform teachers and officials on the impact of the use of technology in the education process and the extent to which students from the merger and to follow the latest developments in the field of educational technology .
12 . Provide technical support and maintenance of hardware and network permanently during teachers use technology in education. The teachers may face during training or during the use of technology in education some problems such as printing problems , connect to the Internet suddenly stopped , the inability to open the e-mail . I have said McDaniel and Amkubo McDaniel and Umekubo (1997) that this requires a technician is responsible for managing the network and another is responsible for the maintenance of the network permanently to repair the damage and help teachers in designing websites and web pages and oversee the training , planning, and answer the questions of teachers , in addition to the coordinator of the concert between networks of a group of schools or colleges at the university , or a number of universities .
In this regard, said Diaz Dias (1999) that the process of integration of technology in education is if technology has become a part of classroom activities daily , and supported the curriculum , and has been used in the expansion of its objectives and made the students a positive role in the learning process , so that education becomes meaningful for them , and become the learning process centered on the student and the teacher's role is to facilitate the educational process ·
Nor can any plan to integrate technology in education to succeed no matter what the availability of their financial capabilities and the spatial and advanced technology if it is not the teachers are capable and trained in the use of computers and educational programs online and even check any plan to integrate technology in the education of its objectives , researcher suggests the establishment of training programs for teachers to acquire the computer skills necessary cyberspace and e-learning imposed by modern technological revolution . To succeed, the process of integration of technology in education , sees a lot of specialists , such as Mac Daniel and Amekopo McDaniel and Umekubo (1997) to develop and train teachers to use the technology are the heart of the process of integration of technology in the educational process .

The role of the teacher in e-learning :

E-learning is a form of distance education , it differs in terms of the nature of the educational process , and content , methodology , and Calendar . Regarding the role of the learner in distance education this role negative , as it receives information without participating in the lesson or interact with educational material , either in e-learning is more positive where he participates in the educational process step by step learner see the teacher on the computer screen and interact with him through e-mail and direct dialogues and answer the learner for each question directed to him and have a strengthening of the correct answer .
With regard to educational article in distance education are prepared for all individuals , regardless of the capabilities of the learners , while changing content and presentation in e-learning , according to the capabilities of the learner and the current and future needs , and this is consistent with the principle of individualized instruction .
In terms of calendar , the most styles of education after the work done by the learners at the end of the program, while the calendar in e-learning is a method of systematically continuing to gather information on the impact of education and its effectiveness , so use evaluation results to improve education , or to find out whether the learner has achieved its objectives , or to measure the value of e-learning institution that you used .

From the above it is clear that the teacher had spent time in the explanation and clarification of the learner and only recipient of the information then changed roles became his teacher graded gained whenever the learner experience . After that the teacher is the center of education in the process of turning its role to facilitate and help the learner to discovery.
It is thus clear that the teacher's role evolved from being a carrier of knowledge and information to become assistants helping and advising then turned to the role of coach and prompt in solving problems , and now is the role of guidance .
And plays a teacher in the Internet era new roles based on the planning of the educational process , design and preparation , in addition to being a researcher and an assistant and directed , technology and designed and Director and simplified content and processes , Teacher in e-learning is trying to help learners to rely on themselves , rather than sufficiency to receive information , and thus apply modern theories learner -centered approach , which achieved self-education .

And competencies that must be met in teacher education -mail the following:

First: the design efficiencies of Education :
It has become incumbent on the teacher in e-learning to provide themselves with the skills of the designer of education , in order to allow him to design subject studied both in the traditional education system or e-learning , and this requires the provision of training programs to develop the skills of instructional design , on how to set up educational programs and curriculum , projects and lessons education , is to ensure the achievement of educational goals , and thus is the responsibility of teachers in e-learning responsibility familiarity with everything that is modern in the field of education , the theories in psychology and curriculum and teaching methods and evaluation methods and how to view the educational material in ways enjoyable and appropriate to the level of the learner , with the output of the educational material in a manner spry , the colors and shapes are consistent, in addition to that it familiarity with all that is new in e-learning , and the Internet , especially in the field of designing web sites and pages and multimedia of all kinds , and what is new in the world of communication and how to use it , and how to obtain the information and knowledge of good sources , and this of course reflected directly on the learners' academic achievement , because the teachers who engage in the design of education will have a high quality in the way of education , which leads to high quality at the level of the learners and their achievement .

Second, employ technology competencies :
Technology has evolved e-learning rapidly , and there is a change tremendously in the presentation of information in terms of coding , transmission and become the key role of teachers in e-learning requires the use of special hardware technology, education, information , and became the role of the teacher who uses technology in education , whether in traditional education or e-learning is to :
- Using role -based educational media
- Encouraging the role of interaction in the educational process
- The role of cheerleader on the acquisition of knowledge and creativity.
In addition to the above should be available in the teacher's academic qualifications for the same level of course and theme , it requires the teacher in e-learning that has a large number of qualifications or the long years of experience, it is also not necessarily have to be the teacher an expert in materials course , what is required from teacher to be Vihama of roles assigned to it , and be ready for training , and it is natural that these teachers have the skills acceptable to use the keyboard, as well as experience in the use of computers and the Internet;
Can be summarized basic skills teacher e-learning in the following:
1 - understanding the processes through e-learning .
2 - technical skills .
3 - communication skills online
4 - Content experience in academic programs .
5 - personal characteristics .
In traditional education reaction occurs between the educated , and education here have a face -to-face , but became newly put the learner is the center of the educational process , and the learner in e-learning is a real learner but he learns in an electronic environment .

There are six conditions for the success of e- learning process are:
1 - Identify educational goals to be achieved rather than the material that must be learned or saved .
2 - Acceptance of answers and ideas and a variety of results , rather than the result of one for all.
3 - production of knowledge instead of connecting and transmitting knowledge , because in the case of connecting knowledge vegan web role will not differ from the regular mail , but it is faster.
4 - Evaluating the educational mission instruction instead of evaluating the level of knowledge.
5 - Team Building Educational ( cooperative groups ) instead of solo work to deepen dialogue and debate among the educated .
6 - to encourage universal groups instead of local .
Based on the foregoing conclude that upgrading education through e-learning requires a new way of education beyond the teacher giving information is then retrieved from the learners through the tests , and even surpass the idea of ​​choosing the learner information received from the school .

Basic concepts in e-learning

The importance of e-learning :
The e-learning of the most important methods of modern education , it helps solve the problem of explosion of knowledge , and the growing demand on education , and expand the opportunities for admission to education , and being able to train and educate workers and rehabilitation without leaving their jobs , and education Housewives , which contributes to raising the literacy rate , and the elimination of illiteracy. He holds extensive e-learning ability to reach both the sources and individuals , it has become available to members of many educational opportunities.
The aim of e-learning to support the educational process technology, interactive best practices that will help in the face of the many challenges faced by the traditional system , such as overcrowding classrooms , and the lack of possibilities , and places, and the inability to provide an atmosphere helps to creativity , and the inability to take into account individual differences among learners .
A set of requirements and needs that we have imposed the current era , which makes e-learning imperative irreplaceable , and these needs :

The need for continuing education , and the need for flexible education , and the need to communicate and openness to others . In addition to the current trend to make education is linked to the place and time, and lifelong learning , and learning is based on the current need , and self-learning , and learning is able to debate.
It provides e-learning environment, interactive learning , and allows the learner to study at the time and place he or she prefers , and lets work interviews and discussions directly and simultaneously via the Internet , providing the latest knowledge that correspond with the needs of the learners , in addition to software simulations , animations, interactive exercises and practical applications .
In addition to what has already been e-learning helps to :
· Urged learner on education and self-reliance , creating a generation of learners are responsible for their own learning .
· Provide more opportunities and choices for the education of the elderly.
· Raise the return on investment by reducing the cost of education .
· Break the psychological barriers between the teacher and the learner .
· Satisfy the needs and characteristics of the learner .
· Create a dynamic system dynamically directly affected by the events of the outside world .

The concept of e-learning :

Knew ( Horton and Horton ), the overall concept of e-learning that any use of Web technology and the Internet to make learning (Horton and Horton, 2003).

He knew ( Henderson ) e-learning as distance learning using computer technology (Henderson, 2002). To distinguish e-learning for distance education, and education using the internet , it can be defined as e-learning as the use of management software learning systems and content (LMS & LCMS) using Internet technology , according to specific criteria ( such as standards SCORM, IMS, IEEE) in order to learn .

And e-learning is education , which aims to create an environment rich interactive applications based on computer technologies and the World Wide Web for information , and enables the student to access learning resources at any time and from anywhere . ( Awaid and Hamid 0.1424 e)

Way to teach using the communication mechanisms of modern computers and networks and Osaúth multiple voice and image , and graphics and search mechanisms , and electronic libraries , as well as the gates of the global network of information , whether it was after or in the classroom , one refers to the use of technology of all kinds in the delivery of information to the learner in the shortest time and with less effort The biggest benefit . ( Moosa 0.1423 e)

Providing educational content with what is guaranteed by the explanations of exercises and interaction and follow-up in a partial or comprehensive chapter or remotely by advanced programs stored in the computer or via the World Wide Web for information . ( Arifi 0.1424 e)

The concept is to expand the teaching and learning process to transcend the limits of traditional classroom and starting a rich environment for multiple sources , have interactive learning techniques from a key role after the so redraft the role of both the teacher and the learner ( Rashed 0.1424 e)

Is an educational system that uses information technology and computer networks to strengthen and expand the educational process through a variety of means including: Computer organs , global network of electronic information and programs prepared by specialists either in the ministry or companies ( GHULOOM 0.1424 e)

Is learning using computers and software on different networks , whether closed or shared networks or the global information network ( Crow, 2003 )
E-learning is a method of learning styles in the delivery of information to the learner based on modern technologies of the computer and the World Wide Web for information and multi- Osaúthma , such as CDs, educational software , electronic mail and discussion boards and discussion. ( Al Mubarak, 1424 )

And the concept of e-learning , and that there were many and varied definitions , but the definition of good olive from my point of view is one of the best and simplest of these definitions " to provide educational content ( e ) cross -media -based computers and networks to the learner allowing it the possibility of active interaction with this content in space and time the speed with which suit them , and also to interact with the teacher and with peers whether the piece simultaneously or non- simultaneously , as well as the possibility of completing this learning at the time and the place and the speed with which fit its circumstances and abilities as well as the ability to manage this learning electronically also through those media "

Types of e-learning :

E-Learning can be divided as follows: - Classification of e-learning by synchronization:

- Contact a simultaneous Synchronous e-learning where the teacher meets with learners at the same time to be a synchronous connection , including text Chat, or audio or video .

- Asynchronous communication is non- synchronous support the exchange of information and the interaction of individuals across multiple communication media such as e-mail e-mail, bulletin boards bulletin boards, lists and discussion listserv, forums and forums. (Bodzin & Park, 2000) Communication is asynchronous free of time , it can be for the teacher to put the sources with the teaching plan and evaluate the educational site , then introduces the student to the site any time and follow the teacher's instructions to complete learning without there being a synchronous connection with the teacher . This is the typical e-learning using mostly.

- Classification of Horton and Horton , where varieties of e-learning as follows:

E-Learning directed learner Learner-led e-learning:
He e-learning aims to deliver a highly efficient education for the independent learner , and it is called e-learning learner -oriented , and includes content on Web pages , multimedia , and interactive applications over the Web , which is an extension of the enhanced learning in the computer software CD-ROM.

E-Learning Facilitator Facilitated e learning:
He employs a learning technique that uses the Internet and e-mail in which the learner and forums to learn, and where there is a facilitator of learning is his assistant (help), but where there is no teacher . ( As is the case if you wish to learn a specific program , you go to the forums and use e -mail lists are used to assist in the program , but you do not organize to teach full , but employ Internet technology to facilitate the learning of the program )

E-learning -oriented teacher Instructor-led e-learning:
He e-learning employs Internet technology to make teaching in the traditional sense so that combines teacher and student in a season by default offers the teacher of many of the techniques of direct contact , such as video conferencing , voice , and chat text and voice audio and text Chat, and participate in the screen , and the referendum , and provides the teacher offers educational , and explain lessons .

E-Learning Embedded Embedded e-learning:
Is e-learning , which provides at the same time support and help through Alintelant and assistance is also embedded in the program, for example, the education provided in the Windows operating system , you will find under help and support processor provides answers or links to questions specified by you , may be it processor to detect and repair errors within the system. It is learning to solve a specific problem , and it offers two versions , one with a program that is loaded on the user's computer , and the second version is support across the web , where the user connects to the Web to link specific offers a solution to the problem through the processor followed on the site.

The impact of e-learning on the student's behavior

( Mental, social and motor )

The logical intelligence - Sports : includes the ability to solve the problems of a logical or mathematical equations .
And I will discuss also that the ability to deal with scientific information ( normal intelligence / common ) which does not conflict with the rest of the definitions of logical intelligence .

The social or emotional intelligence is: the ability to recognize our sense of personal and feelings of others , so as to motivate ourselves , and to manage properly our passion in our relationship with others . ( Coleman Coleman)
Intelligence physical - kinetic : the possibility to use your body to solve certain problems .

E-learning and intelligent student logical
Features :
There is no doubt that e-learning has had a significant role in the development of intelligent student makes sense and the ability to academic achievement and understand the information .
Computer programs are diverse and that use potential and means may not always available in the classroom ( such as scientific films and audio and video materials ) help students one way or another to absorb the information ..
The varied programs to provide information in several ways .. So if it is in a way understandable to the student absorbed by the other .. By exploiting the sound effects and visual and sensory ( such as virtual reality ) to install the information when the student .. And also provide examples of varied and innovative methods to explain .. While it may not all teachers can do this .
The advantage of these programs repeat the information a number of times while countless tired teacher .. Do not forget that style indoctrination bad if used alone, without explanation and understanding .. But conservation method and the method of indoctrination important and essential in certain materials with certain types of information, such as dates and statistics , tables and poetry and the Koran .
And other features of e-learning on student achievement ( a corollary to the intelligence of the student makes sense ) .. Electronic tests .. It is known that the tests are part of a student who hated in the study .. And many students suffer from fear and stress tests , but that is up to some to degree Phobia of exams .
The e-learning came to change all of this .. Valachtbarat stages of the first educational body to be more interesting games of desire in the student fought .. But varied tests and provide bodies and different methods .. Thus the information to prove in the mind of the student .

The students advanced educational levels Vdoma tests problem with them is the tension and fear .. The test at home certainly will remove a fair amount of awe and helps the student to focus and answer more confidently . ( However, it does not address the problem of fear, quite correctly .. It is true that the student has overcome his fear dimension of the influential " exam room " but the fear of them still has )
On the other hand , the tension does not affect the student -awaited result of the test result provides electronic Valachtbarat result immediately after the completion of the test .
The other point is very important .. To provide for the certification exams are important and relevant , and the weight of the scientific reputation on the Internet and through e-learning encourages students to be fought , and thus increase their expertise in the areas of scientific and specialized varied , including increased educational attainment and logical intelligence of the student.

Other features of e-learning , which contributed to the development of intelligent student that is the concept of the relationship between the student and the computer .. Relationship is no longer playing and entertaining .. The computer is now an important tool for learning .. But also enjoyable because it loves him originally .
Although e-learning is not 100% self-learning , but it depends largely upon .. And self-learning is considered psychologists and education of the best methods of learning and of the most important factors that will help the student to form scientific rules established and the stability of the information has for long periods of his age and because it will enable learners to master the basic skills necessary to continue to teach himself.
Friction as well as the student of other cultures to the rest of the students increases the proceeds linguistic and cultural about other people .. Though this point too unbearable sense negative and positive .
In fact, the pros and advantages of e-learning on the intelligence of the student logical much more than its disadvantages .
But as an example .. It is known that the e-learning and the use of computers in education facilitates the search process .. Instead of being a student surfs the whole book or even several books even looking for information , the search feature on any page (ctrl + f) or even search engines on the Internet has made access to accurate results often are the norm .
Although this feature is to invest the time and a student but it has a negative side hidden .. The search browse through the entire book or several books enriches the mind of the student read the information in the course of his research and expands his mind , unlike access to what he looks for in speed and without effort or password information to another until they reach the desired result .
Although the student acquire some skills in online research , but it loses some very important research skills such as fast browsing and knowledge of reference books or paper sources famous to search .

The lack of dialogue while receiving some information (via reading or listening to an educational film or other roads where it is not possible occurrence of dialogue between teacher and student ) affect negatively on the intelligent student dialogue gives the student a greater opportunity to understand and debate the points that have not absorbed well and thus The collected scientific affected by the existence of a dialogue on the subject , The difference between the student to read or listen to information between them and to talk to them and discuss not only with the teacher but also with the rest of the students where large .
The debate makes the student on the lookout for ideas on the rest of his classmates and develops has the capacity to interact and thinking and analysis , and so the thinking skills and dealing with information.
Perhaps Forums scientific dialogue and of the schools have avoided this problem, but what remains the difference between dialogue and realistic dialogue -mail is a big difference , dialogue -mail is usually the focus is less and the number of interlocutors as well.

We can say that the negative aspects of e-learning on the intelligence of the student logical also cause mental distractions to the student during the study .. I have spoken previously that the relationship of the student computer entertainment before the relationship was to be the study of the relationship and take advantage .. But the presence of ways of entertainment in the same study tool ( and realistic ) disperses the student and makes has such internal conflict between the duty of the study and between his love for entertainment , although there was no supervision of parents or self motivated for the collection of scientific and diligence in study to become this point is a real problem in the collection of student attainment.

E-learning and intelligent student of social ( emotional )
Let's start with drawbacks :
They that stand out of the surface is always when talking about the impact of e-learning on the behavior of the student social , that emotional intelligence is not organically , but also social , too, and the student starts in the acquisition in stages the first age and where the social growth of the child at the beginning where acquire basic social skills that will build the social character later , and the most serious consequences of the failure of social growth at this stage is the blankness in difficulty understanding the feelings and emotions of others.
This is because the friction generated by direct human and emotional attitudes of digging in memory and affect the behavior of the individual and the method of its decision-making .. For example : sarcasm children of a certain behavior to one of them makes it learns how to avoid this behavior to escape from cynicism .
As I noted previously that the loss of dialogue affects the intelligent student logical it affects his intelligence Social Also, it is through dialogue and dealing direct student learns literature discussion , listening and how to ask questions and respect for the other party and the selection of words and terms , and that is not available with e-learning .
There is also a big difference in the style of reward and punishment real realistic .. The method of reward and punishment -mail .. Difference in student interaction with him and influenced him .. Valthoab and punishment be more realistic impact on the psyche of the student and leads to stimulate positive behavior and negative behavior decline in more than a method of reward and punishment -mail .
Scientific studies have emerged that electronic devices such as TV , computer and video games lead to a tendency to isolation and decline to communicate with others .. And called for the need to avoid these negative effects .

Features :
The meet with students from other cultures is also working to bring the ideas and minds of the students , it almost certainly including socially .. Where the student learns the social customs of those countries .. The student can be compared between the traditions of his country and the traditions of other countries .. And can make friends beyond the narrow circle of the options available to him in the social environment ( school - home - the club ) Education -mail helps to overcome geographical boundaries and the formation of friendships on the basis of mental and depending on the interests of the common and not on the basis of the old one or the one place that imposes on human authentication of finding them just in front of him .
It is also considered the solution ( Getaway ) ideal for students shy or people with special needs , it means they lack direct confrontation .. He notes that this category is always able to innovate more and go further in educational attainment through e-learning .

E-learning and intelligent student locomotor

Here I will address both advantages and disadvantages :
It is normal to increase the rate of computer use is a daily exercise for the student gradually and motor sports activities that work on building the physical configured properly .. Thus, the attenuation of muscle weakness .. But on the other side , the benefits of e-learning , students with physical disabilities , while showing disadvantages when students with a sound where Charisma reduces the performance of the sport and the various motor activities .
E- Education is pleased to people with special needs learning process by providing the necessary equipment and devices that help them learn has produced many of the companies own programs to people with special needs .. It also protects them from ridicule children healthy body and mind , without depriving them of mental communication with others .
But at the same time reinforcing social isolation .